• September 7, 2024

2060 Verified Dead Absentee Voters in Wayne County Michigan, how many more are there?

 2060 Verified Dead Absentee Voters in Wayne County Michigan, how many more are there?

Approximately 566,958 people voted absentee in Wayne County, where Detroit is located, in the 2020 general election. 2060 appear to have been dead.

The Secretary of State published the data of who those specific people were, their home address, and their birthdate.

The Gateway Pundit took that data, and ran it through a simple “deceased suppression” service provided for a fee by the Lorton Data Services company.

The result was that 2,060 names came back as people who are recorded as having both been dead, and having submitted an absentee ballot.

There may be errors in the data. There could be people with the exact same name living at the same address who are erroneously included in the data. People could have died after mailing in their absentee ballot a week before election day. But according to the Lorton service, that situation should be very rare. The Lorton officials said that they cross-check their data with obituaries and the Social Security death index.

This does NOT INCLUDE, people who voted in-person, and does NOT INCLUDE, people who voted absentee in the rest of Michigan. It also suggests, if accurate, that there may have been a systemic campaign underway to cast ballots even among people who were deceased.

The data also suggests that Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson did very little to remove dead individuals from voter applications and from the Michigan voter file.

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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