America is being dismantled on stage in front of the world, its liberties, its Freedoms and the fabric of patriotism is being torn apart. Socialism, Communism, Terrorism and the satanic New World Order, is clawing at the door while Americans continue to live in oblivion of the coming STORM. In the midst of this storm stands very few Patriots with the heart, the fortitude, the courage to stand when everyone around them is kneeling- tonight we feature a guest who has weathered the storm and continues to stand, that Patriot is Ann Vandersteel.
Join us in an unscripted, organic conversation on what’s going on here and around the world. What information is priority, where are our current strengths and what are current weaknesses as a nation and as Patriots across the earth.
Tonight I promise you a conversation with Ann Vandersteel you have never seen, heard or felt. Welcome to the Alpha Warrior Show.