• September 22, 2024


Hungarian Trade Minister BLASTS Crooked Joe Biden After He Calls

Last week during his patty-cake town hall on ABC Joe Biden smeared US allies Poland and Hungary as totalitarian regimes like Belarus. This was an ignorant and disgusting attack on our NATO allies to score cheap political points. Comparing Hungary and Poland’s strong democracies to Belarus’ dictatorship is a massive insult Joe Biden owes apologies […]Read More

Top Trump Official Held Secret Talks with Syria on US

merican journalist Austin Tice disappeared in Syria on August 13, 2012. The former Marine reported for The Washington Post, McClatchy Newspapers, the AP, CBS and others. ** The Gateway Pundit reported on Austin’s disappearance in 2012. US Journalist AUSTIN TICE Still Held in Syria – Parents Beg Obama White House for Assistance (VIDEO) In 2018 […]Read More

Knife Wielding Man Dangling From Trump Tower Says He is

man dangling from the Trump Tower in Chicago and demanding to speak with President Donald Trump is a Black Lives Matter activist, according his live video broadcast on Facebook. In the live video from the side of the building, the man declared that he is a member of Black Lives Matter and brandished a knife […]Read More

4Chan Users Claim to Have Found Way to Easily Change

Claims from users on the anonymous messageboard 4Chan went viral on Saturday evening, as people said they discovered a way that ballots can be cancelled online in Washington — and that an Oregon voter’s registration can be changed, using just the voter’s name and date of birth. Their exploit allegedly worked to change registration for […]Read More

90 Street Thugs Sued for Damage Done to Local Cincinnati

A Cincinnati real-estate company is suing 90 violent street thugs who were arrested during the May 30th Black Lives Matter riots in downtown Cincinnati. The plaintiffs claim the 90 rioters arrested should pay for damages to dozens of businesses that were vandalized in the BLM rioting. FOX 19 reported: A lawyer representing a Downtown Cincinnati […]Read More