• September 22, 2024


Trump Nominated for His 4th Nobel Peace Prize — This

President Trump was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in early September. It should have happened years ago. A member of the Norwegian Parliament, Christian Tybring-Gjedde, nominated President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize after Trump successfully accomplished a peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Shortly after that President Trump was […]Read More

President Trump ROASTS China Joe at Sanford, FL Rally (VIDEO)

President Trump UNLOADED on Joe Biden at his first rally back since his coronavirus diagnosis and recovery. During the massive rally before THOUSANDS in Sanford, Florida President Trumptook apart the faltering Democrat. President Donald Trump: Joe Biden, not a nice guy by the way, not a nice guy. He had a very bad day today, […]Read More

South Africa Sets Rules for Confiscating Land without Compensation from

In December 2018 South African lawmakers passed a proposal to change the country’s constitution to make land grabs legal. The government voted in agreement to take land from white farmers without compensation. This same plan turned South Africa’s neighbor Zimbabwe from a state of plenty to a starving failed state. The parliament sang before voting […]Read More

WEIRD: Early Reports Claimed Killer of Trump Supporter in Denver

local news producer and their bodyguard were taken into custody for the fatal shooting of a Trump supporter during dueling rallies in Denver on Saturday. All initial reports had indicated that it was a conflict between Antifa and conservatives, but the Denver Police later issued a statement saying that the shooter did not have any […]Read More

‘Day of Rage’: Portland Militants Topple Statues of Roosevelt and

Portland’s indigenous faction of Antifa militants toppled statues of Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln on Sunday, before vandalizing the Oregon Historical Society. The destruction was part of a “Day of Rage” promoted by the militants, who said that no cameras or livestreamers would be allowed. The extremists urged people who attended to wear all black. […]Read More

HOLY HELL! Joe Biden Looks Like Death in Erie, Pennsylvania

On Saturday Joe Biden held a small rally with about 12-20 people in Erie, Pennsylvania, including staff. Here’s a screenshot from the Saturday rally During his speech AP reporter Carolyn Castor took this photo of the former Vice President. The photos posted in the Boston Globe for a short time before it was replaced. And […]Read More