• September 29, 2024


Beto O’Rourke Trashes Biden – Says Democrats Are ‘Unexcited’ and

Failed presidential and senate candidate Robert ‘Beto’ O’Rourke is talking trash about Joe Biden. According to Beto, Democrats just aren’t excited about voting for Joe Biden in 2024. He even says that Biden is ‘failing’ Democrats. Watch out Biden. When you’ve lost Beto… The New York Post reports: Beto O’Rourke says Democrats ‘unexcited’ about Biden: […]Read More

New Poll Finds Trump Leading Biden in Most Swing States

A new poll from Morning Consult/Bloomberg has found that Trump is leading Joe Biden in most of the swing states and on the issues that matter most to voters. This is the third poll in recent weeks to show a surge of support for Trump. People have become wary of polls in recent years and […]Read More

BIDENOMICS: Moody’s Cuts Outlook on US Government to Negative… Developing

Bidenomics. Moody’s Investors Service cut the US’s outlook to negative on Friday. Moody’s lowered its ratings outlook on the US government citing high interest rates, government spending and deficits. CNBC reported: Moody’s Investors Service lowered its ratings outlook on the United States’ government to negative from stable, pointing to rising risks to the nation’s fiscal […]Read More

HOW WE WIN IN 2024… EXCLUSIVE from Jay Valentine: Can

I you care about voter integrity please pass this on to your lawmakers and local political leaders. We can catch the phantom voters. We will do this in 2024. Fractal brings the receipts! The Fractal team, working with legislators and citizen groups in 26 states, is merging voter/ballot roll data with property tax rolls, known […]Read More