• October 18, 2024

History Will Be Unkind to Biden

The post History Will Be Unkind to Biden first appeared on USSA News. Visit USSANews.com.

Neil Patel writes at TownHall.com about Illegitimate President Biden’s place in American political history.

When historians study the disaster that was the Biden administration, they will find many factors that contributed to the historic level failure we are witnessing. At the top of the list is a president who is clearly just not up to the job. Whether due to age, cognitive decline or general ineptitude, Brain-Dead Biden has not been able to lead America. Nobody wants a weak president. People can smell weakness, and Biden reeks of it. The president put himself in a further hole by surrounding himself with a young staff driven more by a rigid, left-wing ideology than a desire to help the lives of everyday Americans. With a leader seemingly too weak to temper his team’s radical ideas, the results have been catastrophic.

Even with a corporate media desperate to keep propping him up, Biden’s approval ratings are at all-time lows. Support among men has fallen through the floor. More troubling, his support from the normally rock-solid Black and Hispanic base of the Democratic Party has dropped dramatically. The breakdown in the Democratic Party is so complete that their only remaining hope is that Republicans somehow find a way to screw up enough to give them another chance. Praying for a Republican disaster may be the Democrats’ only shot. That’s not generally a far-fetched scenario, but this time, their deficit may just be insurmountable.

How did things fall so far so fast for Biden and the Democrats? Amazingly, the president seemed to capture the national mood perfectly in his inaugural address. Americans are not happy. Polarization is at record levels, and it has gone past politics and led to a country more divided than maybe at any time since the Civil War. Biden certainly covered a few left-wing priorities in his inaugural address, but more than anything, he called for national healing and unity. Had he governed that way, he would not be in the position he’s in today.

The post History Will Be Unkind to Biden first appeared on John Locke Foundation.

Click this link for the original source of this article.
Author: Mitch Kokai

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The post History Will Be Unkind to Biden first appeared on USSA News. Visit USSANews.com.

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