• September 28, 2024

Indoctrination over education

 Indoctrination over education


You’d like to believe that teachers unions’ have the best interests of America’s children — and your children! — at heart.

But instead, the nation’s largest teachers’ unions like the National Education Association (NEA) have chosen indoctrination and politics over education rather than pursue their stated mission of “fulfill[ing] the promise of public education to prepare every student to succeed in a diverse and interdependent world.”


The cold hard truth is: Teachers’ unions exist to serve the interests of teachers, and increasingly their political interests, not children … and theyre doubling down on prioritizing far-left activism over the best interests of students.


Recent resolutions approved at the NEA’s annual convention include commitments to:

  • “Incorporate the concept of ‘White Fragility’ into NEA trainings and staff development, literature, and other existing communications on social, gender, LGBTQIA, and racial justice.”
  • “Educate members and the general public about the importance of reparations.”
  • “Call on the U.S. government to accept responsibility for the destabilization of Central American countries.”

But just two years ago, delegates voted down a measure to prioritize “increased student learning” and “a renewed emphasis on quality education” — which should be the NEA’s real work!


While teachers’ unions stop listening to concerned parents, grandparents, and citizens — and politics ahead of education — Parents Defending Education is listening to you.


And you’re telling us that you OPPOSE:

  • Discriminatory policies and curriculums being introduced into schools
  • Children being segregated on the basis of race
  • Finite school budget dollars being spent on “diversity consultants,” rather than programs that could support hardworking teachers and help students
  • School districts actively attempting to hide controversial lessons from parents
  • Children being taught “lessons” from radical political ideologies, such as that showing your work in math class is “white supremacy culture” or being forced to locate themselves on an “oppression matrix”

Parents Defending Education is listening to YOU,  and that’s why we’re working alongside you to stop the extreme, harmful, ideological agenda that is taking over our schools.


Its clear we cant count on the teachers unions to act in the best interests of our children. That means its up to you and me to speak up now.  


Our work together through Parents Defending Education is more important now than ever, and the fight to restore a healthy, non-political education for our kids will always be worth the effort.


I’m so grateful for your continued support.


Nicole Neily


Parents Defending Education


Support Parents Defending Education








4532 Lee Hwy #119
Arlington VA 22207


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