• September 29, 2024

J6 Political Prisoner Michael Perkins:” I Put My Whole Heart into My Faith, Family, and Country, If You Fall into Any of Those Categories, You’re a Threat as Well”

 J6 Political Prisoner Michael Perkins:” I Put My Whole Heart into My Faith, Family, and Country, If You Fall into Any of Those Categories, You’re a Threat as Well”

Michael Perkins

J6 political Michael Perkins joined his fellow Americans on January 6 to peacefully protest and share the Word of God with those he met that day.

Suddenly, he found himself under attack by Capital Police without warning. He struggled to orient himself after being doused with pepper spray.

Michael is accused of hitting a police officer with his flag pole, while blinded and disoriented from pepper spray, something the officer was not even aware of until the trial when the FBI showed him his body camera.

When Michael was arrested, and his family detained, 40+ FBI swat agents and Homeland Security raided his home at 5:45 AM using percussion grenades and flash bangs. Michael and his family were walked out at gunpoint by screaming agents.

Michael, the sole provider for his family,  was sentenced to 48 months in prison.  He wrote to The Gateway Pundit readers so that his fellow Americans can hear his story from his perspective and not simply what  is being portrayed,  “I am not the man the media has portrayed me to be. I am not a terrorist or in insurrectionist that was threatening our democracy that day. I am an average hard-working American that lives paycheck to paycheck to provide for my family. I put my whole heart into my faith, my family, and my country and clearly must be the very threat they see. If that’s the case, and if you fall into any of those categories, you’re a threat as well.”

Unfortunately, Michael’s horrific story is not unique. Filmmaker, author, and entrepreneur Dinesh D’Souza’s latest project, “Police State” shows the Biden regime’s political persecution of ordinary Americans.

Read Michael’s letter below.

Dear America,

 My name is Michael Perkins. I am currently writing from the DC detention facility known as the Gulag. I wanted to share a little bit about myself and my story on the events of January 6, and how it completely changed my life forever.

I am 40 years old and I’ve been married to my beautiful wife, Brittany, for 18 years. We have two amazing children, Shayne who is 20 years old and Emmaree who is 17. Since my wife and I both surrendered our lives to Christ in 2005, we have strived to live our life to please our Lord and Savior. We both grew up in broken homes with divorced parents, and we promised one another that we were going to break that cycle. We knew the statistics, and that there would be times where we wanted to give up but we also knew that if we kept Christ as head of our

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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