• October 27, 2024

Kamala Kamunism Factual History

 Kamala Kamunism Factual History


Frank D. Lovell American Patriots Free State of Florida


Factual History

I noticed a shift in the media/democrats, now it’s a vision for America, such ‘good’ things they want to do for America’s future & under Kamala Americans will prosper. They need to avoid at all costs how Kamala supported the Democratic cause & is responsible for the results to Americans. Do they not realize most Americans are fully aware of her involvement as well as her rise through politics on her way to the White House, she has a factual history of recorded statements & actions that simply prove they are lying to us.

In the past, the media praised Kamala as the ‘border czar’ after Biden publicity assigned her the immigration duty. Now the same media say she was never the ‘border czar’ in an attempt to cover her responsibility for the overrun borders. That’s just one factual example, there are many others. We are witnessing the remake of Kamala from what she is (radical left) to the savior of liberty & prosperity in America. We are living through a fascinating history for all to remember assuring America is never threatened like this in the future. They may change the cover of a book, but the inside story remains the same.

We are witnessing an attempt to alter the American structure to one of socialism/communism which has been active for decades since at least the 30’s. It has been effective because the attempts (legislation, regulations, etc.) have gone unnoticed by most. One example was the creation of the Federal Reserve in violation of our Constitution. What accelerated it was the election of Trump in 2016 & his spotlight on the ‘deep state’ etc. which caused panic on the left. As a result, they surfaced & exposed themselves & their policies as they fought against Trump’s policies. What is critical for Americans to understand is this is not the Democrat party we have known in the past, that party has been overtaken by the left.

A major problem is most people are not aware of American history. How the fed government gained control over the economy, our educational system, etc. Are you aware of the statements so long ago by Vice President Nelson Rockefeller under President Ford 74-77? He openly praised the ‘one world government’ concept, talk about anti-American. Mindful he was a Republican, this alteration of America wasn’t a party issue, they all assisted in the slowly progressing destruction. Today few parties support that concept, the Democrats are one, that’s just a fact. However, it’s always critical for Americans to be aware of the direction of their party, that it reflects their views on various issues is a voter responsibility. This has always been about the federal govt gaining control over the 50 states federalizing control over every aspect of American life on the path to a ‘one world government.’

The most important aspect of all this is most Americans just don’t have the time in their lives to research events in America. As an example, if you look into legislation, regulations, etc. you will find a disturbing reality. One example is the climate issue, billions of $ are spent supporting this through organizations, businesses, etc. What you discover is vast sums of $ are then donated by these entities back to the Democratic party. Labor & teachers unions are included in this list & it goes on & on. The basic reality is that your tax $ is used to threaten your Liberties & prosperity. This lack of awareness is a huge advantage to the Democrats.

Outside of just being ‘brainwashed’ I no longer understand the logic of those Americans who support the Democrats. Do they at least ‘feel’ a difference in their lives compared to 4 years ago? Do they think all is well, or all will get better under the Democrats? It makes me feel like they are children who just don’t know better but as they go through life they will learn. Guess it takes them longer than most to learn. In the meantime, the rest of us have work to do, we have a country to support.

You see, this whole thing is up to us. When people say the buck stops here, well that goes both ways. When it comes to the substance of govt the buck stops with us because good govt is our responsibility, our Founders gave us that responsibility along with the structural tools to ensure the means of achieving it. Once the vote is counted & the elected assume their positions in govt, at that point, the buck stops with them/govt. The more we communicate with people the more unified we become. We have factual history on our side. Simply, was life better 4 years ago, or now?

America is growing each day, & that spirit is unifying creating that next generation of American Patriots fighting for Liberty. Although visible through the only avenue open to them, the republican party, in essence, the party has grown by independents, democrats, non-party people, & people who don’t vote, united in a common cause to preserve the American way of life. These united Americans have strengthened the party by pursuing an America First agenda. These are American Patriots, answering the call from their country. We all play a part in the making of American history which future generations will carry on.

Stories on the Thinking Zone: https://fdlovell.wixsite.com/the-thinking-zone/home

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