• September 11, 2024

Levin: Biden’s UN Ambassador ‘Doesn’t Even Know or Understand What the Hell China Is’

 Levin: Biden’s UN Ambassador ‘Doesn’t Even Know or Understand What the Hell China Is’

Radio host Mark Levin speaks at the 2016 Conservative Political Action Conference. (Photo credit: SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

Biden’s new U.N. ambassador, Linda Thomas Greenfield, “doesn’t even know or understand what the hell China is,” said radio host Mark Levin on Wednesday’s “The Mark Levin Show.”

“Biden has individuals around him — who, forget about America First; it’s America Last — who are sellouts to a genocidal regime in China,” Levin said. “This is a regime that literally has death camps, concentration camps. They put Muslims in these death camps. Why isn’t CAIR [Council on American-Islamic Relations] rising up? Why aren’t these Muslim groups in America rising up?”

“All the talk from the left about anti-capitalism and redistributing wealth while they have their hands out for the communist Chinese government to fund their institutions, to fund their universities, to fund their damn sneakers and all the rest of it.”


Here is a transcript of the segment:

Mark Levin: The Senate confirms Linda Thomas Greenfield as U.N. ambassador and not only that, Biden makes her a Cabinet-level individual, Cabinet-level position. “The Senate voted to confirm Linda Thomas Greenfield, 78 to 20, ambassador to the United States after a difficult confirmation process” — doesn’t look that difficult.

“She was scrutinized over speech in which she praised China’s approach in Africa.” So Biden has individuals around him — who, forget about America First; it’s America Last — who are sellouts to a genocidal regime in China. Now just think about that: step back and let’s think about it; you know, we talk about it and then we move on.

This is a regime that literally has death camps, concentration camps. They put Muslims in these death camps. Why isn’t CAIR [Council on American-Islamic Relations] rising up? Why aren’t these Muslim groups in America rising up?

Are they secular? Is it because they, like I talk about secular Jews and secular Catholics, we have these secular Muslims that — I mean, what’s going on here? Why aren’t they rising up? It’s — I mean, I’m shocked by this. We have a country that is hyper — what is it, hyper-ethnic. Right? Critical race theory and on and on and on, and here we have a country, the biggest population on the face of the Earth, literally rounding up its Muslim population, sending them into concentration camps, death camps, torturing them, raping them, sterilizing them, aborting them, slave labor. And I don’t hear anything — I don’t even hear a squeak from the Muslim community. I don’t hear a squeak from civil rights leaders. The corporatists in America have thrown in with the communist Chinese, and that includes professional sports. What a disgrace! What a disgrace! People say from 70, 80 years ago, “where was everybody? Why didn’t anybody speak out?” Ok. Where is everybody? Why don’t they speak out? All the talk from the left about anti-capitalism and redistributing wealth while they have their hands out for the communist Chinese government to fund their institutions, to fund their universities, to fund their damn sneakers and all the rest of it.

So who is this woman? “Thomas Greenfield was confirmed in a 78 to 20 vote. The timeline for confirmation had been delayed after Sen. Cruz used a procedural move to push the Senate Foreign Relations Committee vote from earlier this month.”

“Cruz and Republicans” — no, there are only 28 of them. Only 28. That means 22 Republicans voted for her — “had expressed concern over a 2019 speech the diplomat gave on China-U.S.-Africa relationships at the Savannah State College Confucius Institute’s fifth anniversary lecture event.” Oh, the Confucius Institute. Why don’t they tell the truth? It’s the Mao Tse-tung Institute. “The speech, excerpts of which were reported by The Washington Post, called Chinese intervention in Africa ‘a win-win-win situation in which the communist regime in the U.S. could promote good governance, gender equity, and the rule of law.’” This is so sick.

“I see no reason why China cannot share in those values,” she said. “In fact, China is in a unique position to spread these ideals, given its strong footprint on the continent.”

She doesn’t even know or understand what the hell China is.

“Let’s be clear that Linda Thomas Greenfield has a record of praising and sympathizing with the Chinese Communist Party. It is not an anomaly,” said Sen. Marsha Blackburn.

“An Africa expert between 2013 and 2019, she testified before both chambers of Congress that the U.S. is not competing with China in Africa.” Oh, she’s going to be a strong voice at the United Nations, isn’t she, ladies and gentlemen?

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