“Little Slice of Hell” House in Colorado Springs Destroyed by Disgruntled Tenant Sells 1 Week After Being Listed Amid Real Estate Frenzy (VIDEO)
A Colorado Springs home dubbed “little slice of hell” utterly destroyed by a disgruntled tenant in 2020 sold one week after being listed amid a real estate frenzy.
Real estate agent Mimi Foster listed the home for $590,000 last Saturday and it’s already under contract, FOX21 reported.
“Dozens of offers were received,” Foster told FOX21. “The seller is pleased with the outcome.”
It is unclear what the final sales price was, but it is estimated the cost to fix the damages range between $150,000 to $230,000.
The walls were spray painted with vulgarities and destroyed with a hammer.
The real estate agent said the overwhelming stench of cat urine, animal and human feces in the carpet and rancid meat left in the kitchen greeted you when you walked into the home.
Two dead cats were discovered in the one the bathrooms, “It appears they had been there for quite some time” the agent said.
Mimi Foster walked through the home and documented the destruction in a video she posted to YouTube last May.
“In decades of doing real estate, nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to encounter,” Foster said.
According to Foster, after the original lessee died, a relative moved in and did all the damage.
The tenant filed a motion to be allowed back into the home AFTER she was already evicted – a judge granted her request and that is when she did all the damage.
The destruction is indescribable.
You must watch the video to see what the angry tenant did AFTER she was evicted:
“Little Slice of Hell” House in Colorado Springs
Source: The Gateway Pundit