• October 17, 2024

Not even a raised eyebrow?

 Not even a raised eyebrow?


Reader Interactions


  1. LJW says

    I hope Biden stays in. If they, again, create fake ballots during this next election surely the whole world would know it is a rigged election. He was obviously inept when he was first elected. Scurrying around in a basement trying to look presidential. Most people were not fooled, just the left that didn’t really pay attention to the campaign and just voted as always. They relied on the fake news media for their decision making to confirm they were correct in their vote.
    The world is preparing for a Trump Presidency according to a Shoebat article. It will be a wait and see if Satan can slip someone in that is invisible to the blind left who will just pull the D lever. Either way the USA is going down fast for her rebellion against Yeshua and Father God. We refuse to learn this valuable lesson and it is too late when you stand before Him in judgement. We are in the last days.

  2. Rob R says

    I’m tired of this sick farce.

    We’re way beyond normal “news” reporting………. we need this man to go I’m so sick of looking at him

    Especially knowing he shouldn’t have been there in the first place

  3. Taffy says

    It was obvious to most of us that Biden’s whole presidency was plagued by dementia. I personally thought it was the beginnings of Alzheimer dementia, but then again, I was not privy to his neurological exams, and even then, Alzheimer’s is a disease of exclusion (once the other causes of dementia are eliminated). At first it was not too bad, using the measure for ordinary folk and even the President under everyday conditions. But the President has to be able to be awakened at 3 a.m. and function to full capacity in the case of a national emergency. Now, however, his dementia has progressed where he cannot function in any job, let alone as the US President, even if he is hyped up on Adderall (methamphetimine). Rumors afloat that Biden has Parkinsonism (strongly related to Lewy body dementia), but I still maintain that he has Alzheimer dementia too. One can have both!

    In any event, he is unfit to be President. But, cackling Kamala Harris is his insurance card that he will not be displaced as long as he is warm to the touch.

  4. Steve says

    Sorry but World Leaders did notice. It is clear, very clear on the news feed that they all looked at each other in shock

  5. ME Infidel says

    OBiden’s policies have been a disaster for the country. Period. Yes, he’s mentally shot. But, it’s his handlers and the left-wing media who tried to hide his condition, while gaslighting the public over the past several years, who are a disgraceful, disgusting bunch.


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