• September 13, 2024

Rep. Jim Jordan: 7 Ways ‘The Left Started the Culture War’

 Rep. Jim Jordan: 7 Ways ‘The Left Started the Culture War’

Rep. Jim Jordan (Getty Images/Nicholas Kamm)

Craig Bannister | July 13, 2021

Liberals are responsible for starting the culture war in America, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said Tuesday.

“The Left started the culture war,” Rep. Jordan tweeted on Tuesday, listing seven ways that liberals have instigated and stoked cultural conflict:

  1. “They kneeled for the anthem”
  2. “They let boys play girls sports”
  3. “They pushed Critical Race Theory”
  4. “They politicized July 4th
  5. “They tried to cancel Christmas”
  6. “They tore down statues”
  7. “They made up genders”

“The Left thinks they’re better than you. But they aren’t,” Jordan tweeted earlier in the day in a post criticizing liberals for name-calling, race-baiting, mocking religion and scoffing at gun ownership.


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