• September 22, 2024

Republican Running Against Maxine Waters Releases Viral Ad: ‘Our District Is In Ruins’ (VIDEO)

 Republican Running Against Maxine Waters Releases Viral Ad: ‘Our District Is In Ruins’ (VIDEO)

Joe Collins is the Republican Navy veteran running against Maxine Waters for Congress in California.

He recently released an ad which has gone viral on social media, racking up millions of views on Twitter alone.

In the ad, Collins takes you from the mansion Maxine Waters lives in to the district she represents and showcases the stark difference.

The Daily Wire reports:

‘Our District Is In Ruins’: Maxine Waters’ Republican Opponent Joe Collins Rolls Out New Ad Campaign

Republican congressional candidate Joe E. Collins III rolled out a new ad campaign Saturday against his opponent Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), highlighting how she lives in a mansion outside of the 43rd Congressional District she represents.

Collins, a Navy veteran who grew up in Waters’ south Los Angeles district, also detailed the many ways in which the city has declined in recent years, thanks in large part to policies Waters has supported.

“Do you know where I am right now?” Collins says in a video depicting him walking up to Waters’ house. “Maxine Waters’ $6 million mansion. Do you know where I’m not right now? Maxine Waters’ district. Yep, that’s right. Maxine does not live in her district, but I do.”

“I was born right here in South L.A., in a place Maxine refuses to live,” Collins continues. “Maxine Waters does not drink our water. She does not breathe our air. And while she sits here in her mansion, our district is in ruins.”

Watch the ad below:

Do you know where I am?

Maxine Waters’ $6 Million Mansion.

Do you know where I’m NOT?

Her District.

Mansion Maxine Waters doesn’t live in her District — I do.

My name is Joe Collins and I’m running for Congress against Maxine Waters.

Help Me WIN: https://t.co/K4OcfhUR0Epic.twitter.com/GgnmvSWSq9

— Joe E. Collins III For Congress CA-43 (@joecollins43rd) October 10, 2020

This district deserves a change.

The people should give Joe Collins a chance.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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