• September 13, 2024

Sen. Cruz: Democrats Pursue ‘Doomed’ Impeachment Trial Because Hatred of Trump Defines Their Party

 Sen. Cruz: Democrats Pursue ‘Doomed’ Impeachment Trial Because Hatred of Trump Defines Their Party

Sen. Ted Cruz (Getty Images/Chip Somodevilla)

By Craig Bannister | February 10, 2021
Now that Democrats have gained control of all three branches of government, they’re wasting their time persecuting a former president, instead of fixing very real problems facing Americans, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) says.
“Everybody knows” that Senate Democrats don’t have the votes to convict former President Donald Trump, but Democrats are engaging in political theater driven by their hatred of him, Cruz told Fox News on Wednesday, the second day of the trial.

Democrats’ hatred of Trump has become so all-consuming, that it’s become their defining trait, Cruz said:

“Everybody knows that. But, they’re going through political theater. And they’re going through political theater because, for four years, Congressional Democrats, they’ve been obsessed, they’ve been consumed with hatred for President Trump.

“And, it really, it defines who the Democratic Party is.”

Democrats should be focusing on helping Americans, but they’ve chosen instead to pursue a circus they know is “doomed to failure,” Cruz said:

“So, they’ve got a new Democratic president, a Democratic House, a Democratic Senate. And, instead of working on the very real problems we have in this country – we have tens of millions of Americans out of work, we have millions of kids who are not going to school – and yet, the Democrats are not trying to fix those problems.

“Instead, they want to go through a circus of an impeachment trial that they know is doomed to failure.”

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