• October 17, 2024

Sky’s the Limit for Globalists’ Boiling Earth Narrative

 Sky’s the Limit for Globalists’ Boiling Earth Narrative

Sky’s the Limit for Globalists’ Boiling Earth Narrative

By James FitzGerald

Orbiting satellites are playing a larger role in the development of an agricultural, environmental and technological control grid.

To earlier generations, the term constellations might have meant zodiacal dot-to-dots depicting ancient gods or mythical creatures — but today the word more likely evokes hurtling GPS satellites and myriad spy craft buzzing the firmament. As above, so below now applies to the technological miasma of modern life. But what has been out of sight should no longer be out of mind, as agendas on the ground seem to merge with those in the stratosphere.

On terra firma we can observe concerted — even desperate — efforts by the World Economic Forum and affiliated NGOs and politicians to severely restrict energy, food and transportation, under the guise of “saving the planet”. Now satellite systems are being touted as a means of reducing methane emissions and of tracking changes in the flora and fauna of remote regions amid a “boiling” planet. But does this rapidly evolving and terrifying agenda on the ground really apply to near orbit?

How many flickering objects are up there and who put them there? How do they really affect us beyond the convenience of sat navs or streaming TV subscriptions?

More than half of the 9,692 satellites orbiting Earth are used for communications. Other uses for the thousands of satellites in the sky include Earth and space observation (22.1 per cent), Earth and space science (0.44 per cent), technology development and demonstrations (0.77 per cent), as well as navigation and global positioning (3.6 per cent). SpaceX owns and operates the most satellites. The company’s 4,534 vehicles make up nearly half of the total in orbit, with plans for about 42,000 more. Elon Musk, the owner, has a goal of delivering high-speed broadband internet access to most people in the world through his Starlink constellation. This makes him a suitable person for scrutiny when questions of surveillance and influence come to the fore amid the battle for hearts and minds over climate narratives and net zero targets set by outfits such as the World Economic Forum, United Nations and national governments — regardless of whether SpaceX sats are involved in environmental observation or not.

Burning issues

Grain silos blazed in La Rochelle, France, on August 10; following an explosion at a grain depot near the port of Derince in western Turkey a few days earlier. These Europe-based infrastructure accidents, or sabotage, follow countless derailments and crop disasters across the American agricultural belt in recent months. If that wasn’t bad enough, special presidential envoy for climate John Kerry announced last week that agriculture was now in the climate targets of the US.

Meanwhile, back in Europe, France has banned short-haul flights to reduce carbon emissions — specifically journeys that can be reached by car in under two and a half hours (even though the French government admitted these climate compliance moves would not affect CO2 emissions). Indications are that Germany and Austria will soon follow suit.

Judging by Canada’s fascist interpretation of public health directives at the height of the Covid hysteria, they may steal a march on America as pioneers of the globalist stay-at-home-and-be-happy schematic.

Oxford city council in England has raced to implement the 15-minute city zoning that requires heavy surveillance of citizens to work. The quick rollout may be because such a template existed in Eastern Germany during the cold war and because Oxford put up little resistance to pandemic lockdowns and mask mandates — an indicator of where the climate compliance initiative may be rolled out. Ireland, whose citizens wholeheartedly bent over to receive jabs and whose Garda police force used heavy-handed measures on those not wearing masks or venturing outside during lockdowns, coincidentally finds itself with stringent targets on cattle reduction, despite being a pastoral economy and producing some of the best tasting food in the world. Its government has set a target of 20 percent of the country’s meat and dairy herds for slaughter, or 1.3m cows, to reach “climate targets”.

The myth of Elon

Elon Musk is lauded as the great technological disruptor of his generation, after pioneering scaleable businesses in both electric cars and chemical space rockets, through Tesla and SpaceX. Prior to that, he was a formative influence in electronic payments, through PayPal. Musk took control of social media outlet Twitter in a $44bn deal in October 2022. Since then he has reinstated many censored accounts and routinely tweeted his commitment to “free speech”. It would be fair to say he has earned the trust of millions, as formerly taboo issues, such as voter fraud, child trafficking, excess mortality among young people and allegations of Biden family corruption, reemerge on the site.

This virtuous timeline took a divisive turn when he appointed Linda Yaccarino as the new CEO of Twitter in May this year. Yaccarino left her role as chairman of global advertising and partnerships at NBCUniversal. She also serves as the chair of the WEF’s Future of Work taskforce and is a member of the WEF Media, Entertainment and Culture Industry Governors Steering Committee. Yaccarino was a vocal advocate of mask-wearing and Covid jabs at the height of the pandemic. The business case for her involvement has been cited as stemming an advertiser exodus, dealing with service disruptions, regulatory scrutiny and a growing list of rivals.

A few months down the line and Musk announced a name change for the platform — to be styled as simply X. The touted rationale is that the site will evolve into the “everything app”, not unlike China’s WeChat microblogging app, with increased monetization for content creators and a one-stop shop for daily life.

Yaccarino has recently discussed Twitter content in terms of “lawful” versus “awful” and has mooted censorship to ensure “brand safety”. Such arbitrary decisions could be interpreted as a form a social credit scoring if applied to and logged against certain users. If daily financial transactions are combined with blogging on the X app, then it takes little imagination to equate social behavior with social and financial mandates. Another project under the Musk umbrella is Neuralink, which is developing implantable brain–computer interfaces that would posit human consciousness within the world-wide web. At what stage, and under what conditions, would use of the X app become contingent on adoption of a Neuralink brain implant?

It is notable that Twitter has just been found in contempt by a circuit judge who had directed the company to handover details of President Donald Trump’s Twitter account. A search warrant was served with a nondisclosure order that prohibited Twitter from notifying anyone of the existence of the order. The social media company delayed producing the documents while litigating its objections, and was ultimately fined $350,000 for the delay. Although this development does not directly relate to Musk’s space operations, it does form a plank in any discussion over his general motivations and attitude towards state agendas.

The 20th century’s main rocket pioneer was Wernher von Braun, who was sequestered by Nasa in Operation Paperclip after the second world war. The Nazis had developed the V2 rockets that had plagued their western European enemies and Von Braun had been the lead engineer of that project. Von Braun wrote a science fiction novel in 1952 called Project Mars — a space fantasy about a mission to Mars, where the protagonist, a man named Elon, is elected as governor of the newly colonized planet. Elon, over the course of the story, becomes increasingly paranoid and dictatorial, perhaps representing the archetypal Führer complex of Adolf Hitler that Von Braun would have experienced firsthand.

SpaceX recently became the first private company to carry Nasa astronauts into space. Musk has been open about his desire to explore other worlds, tweeting that he wants to “make humanity a multi-planet species”. While SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rockets are being used to launch satellites into orbit, its larger Starship is designed to reach the Moon, Mars and beyond.

On August 16, Musk tweeted: “Tesla & SpaceX/Starlink doing our best to be helpful to Hawaii.” SpaceX has not yet replied to our request for clarification.

SpaceX satellites run on Linux, an open-source operating system that is easy to customize. Since 2021, they have been equipped with laser crosslinks that enable them to communicate with one another. This means that vehicles within constellations can share data among themselves, reducing the reliance on ground-based stations. These laser links allow internet traffic to be shared among the satellites in orbit. The laser crosslinks allow Starlink constellations to beam internet connectivity to the most remote locations, including the polar caps.

In an echo of the Von Braun novel, Starlink’s terms of service contain a section stating that in the event that company reaches Mars, it will have full independence from any government on Earth.

“For services provided on Mars, or in transit to Mars via Starship or other spacecraft, the parties recognize Mars as a free planet and that no Earth-based government has authority or sovereignty over Martian activities,” the document reads. “Accordingly, disputes will be settled through self-governing principles, established in good faith, at the time of Martian settlement.”

Gwynne Shotwell, the chief executive, has outlined plans to place humans on the Red Planet by the end of the decade.

The Ukraine conflict has exposed the company’s strong military links, both as a service for foreign states, such as Kyiv’s extensive use of its tech in countering Russian forces, and as a domestic application: in 2020, the US Air Force and SpaceX teamed up for a live-fire exercise in which Starlink satellites conveyed data to military assets that allowed them to shoot down a drone and a cruise missile. SpaceX has since created an offshoot project called Starshield, which has been designed exclusively for the US military and its agencies. Starshield will offer a higher level of security than Starlink, featuring “additional high-assurance cryptographic capability to host classified payloads and process data securely, meeting the most demanding government requirements”, according to SpaceX.

China’s security state has reacted to these developments with its usual paranoia-induced ingenuity. Researchers at the Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, a research institute run by the People’s Liberation Army, recently published a paper discussing ways to destroy or disable Starlink. Their failsafe and green solution was to detonate a nuclear weapon in space, which would presumably fry the circuits and cause debris that would damage the sats. If that was not definitive enough, coronal mass ejections from the Sun represent an ongoing threat to space-based technology. All this might be enough to make Musk see red before he reaches Mars. Just like Icarus, he is soaring very quickly into unchartered territory.

The dirt on DARPA

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) last year launched its own project to develop a low-Earth satellite “translator”. Otherwise known as the Space-Based Adaptive Communications Node program, or Space-BACN, it aims to create a “low-cost, reconfigurable optical communications terminal that adapts to most optical inter-satellite link standards, translating between diverse satellite constellations”.

Space-BACN would create an “internet” of satellites, enabling seamless communication between military/government and commercial/civil satellite constellations that currently are unable to talk with each other. “We intentionally made making a proposal to our Space-BACN solicitations as easy as possible, because we wanted to tap into both established defense companies and the large pool of innovative small tech companies, many of which don’t have the time or resources to figure out complicated government contracting processes,” said Greg Kuperman, the Space-BACN program manager.

DARPA has been discussed in relation to a technological control grid involving artificial intelligence in the “Funding the Control Grid” series published on this site.

Shock and awe

Back in 2020, Australia was plagued by bush fires. More recently California was also subject to unprecedented droughts and forest blazes that encroached upon residential areas. In the past week, the Hawaiian island of Maui has been ravaged by blazing wildfires that have obliterated swaths of the urban landscape. The trajectory of Australia’s bushfires lead from Brisbane, along the Gold Coast, down to Melbourne in a relatively narrow cache of land. It was observed by some people that the line of devastation followed the route of a planned rail link of so-called Smart cities. Posts on Facebook showed photos of laser-like beams of light entering the blaze zones, leading to speculation that directed energy weapons were being deployed from space to initiate targeted firestorms. The Reagan administration’s Star Wars program in the 1980s had experimented with space-based lasers, but had ditched the plans after the lasers proved unsuitable in the zero atmosphere of space. Little has been said about their effectiveness if deployed from low-orbit satellites or whether the technology has been improved upon.

A cursory examination of footage from the Hawaiian disaster shows buildings and vehicles displaced as if in a blast zone, with an explosive ferocity tearing through the island. Governor Josh Green attributed the fires to climate change. In January, the island hosted the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, which focused on smart cities. The conference website outlined its aims thus: “Cities and communities around the world are entering a new era of transformation in which residents and their surrounding environments are increasingly connected through rapidly changing intelligent technologies, sometimes called, smart technologies. This transformation, which has become a top priority for many cities and other local governments, offers great promise for improved well-being and prosperity but, also, poses significant challenges at the complex intersection of technology and society.”

In a convergence of climate change and smart city narratives, the island would now be ripe for redevelopment under the auspices of a “smart and connected community” that can be “conceptualized as one that synergistically integrates intelligent technologies with the natural and built environments”. Maui, it seems, had been designated as a progeny of the smart island concept, entirely run on electric renewable power sources, with its residents forced into electric vehicles — in other words a 15-minute city. In September, Hawaii hosts the Digital Government Summit, which will discuss the use of artificial intelligence as a governing utility on the islands. It would seem that the sun, according to their climate science, has instigated a great reset on the island. Green said: “It does appear like a bomb and fire went off, if I may. And all of those buildings virtually are going to have to be rebuilt.”

The seminar is unlikely to discuss the Weather Modification Act of 1976. The act cites the involvement of the same government departments at the forefront of the “boiling” Earth narrative — the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency and Nasa. If these facets of the government have been involved in weather modification for decades, could they have caused these rather specific and convenient anomalies at the aforementioned locations?

In January a news report on Honolulu’s Khon TV station discussed a Chinese satellite caught on video “beaming down lasers over the Hawaiian islands”. A National Astronomical Observatory of Japan livestream camera atop the Subaru Telescope on Mauna Kea recorded the footage. The Chinese said they were measuring pollutants in the atmosphere. The incident points to the existence of space-based lasers.

Back in 2016 — in a contradiction of the current narrative — Nasa satellite data indicated that an increase in CO2 levels was fertilizing the planet. “From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years, largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide,” said the study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change.

“An international team of 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries led the effort, which involved using satellite data from Nasa’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instruments to help determine the leaf area index, or amount of leaf cover, over the planet’s vegetated regions. The greening represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to two times the continental United States,” read the report.

The United Nations last month launched an initiative to accelerate “a transformation of food systems”, to get their “sustainable development” goals “back on track”. According to development indicators, almost half of the SDG targets are moderately or severely off track, and 37 percent are showing no change, a UN Food Systems summit in Rome was told.

Amina Mohammed, UN deputy secretary-general, announced a funding scheme that would accelerate an investment strategy in food systems and “catalyse the rapid and system-wide action needed for food system transformation under the UN Food Systems Hub”.

Mohammed cited the use of space technology for transforming agri-food systems, saying that the profound changes underway in outer space, “can become game-changers for the 2030 Agenda”.

“If we can effectively harness its potential, space technology could become among the most significant new technologies for agricultural and agri-food systems and ultimately lead to more sustainable, resilient, and efficient agri-food systems,” she said.

Their estimates say space tech can boost crop yields by more than 10 percent and help reduce costs by over 20 percent, including with fertilizers, fuel and pesticides.

Concurrently, in the Netherlands around 260 farms are operating without a license and will face fines if they don’t buy a nitrogen emissions quota or cut down on livestock, the agriculture ministry confirmed last week.

Another 2,500 farmers in the country are partly unlicensed but had been allowed by the government to continue in business if they could keep their nitrogen emissions below a certain level near “vulnerable natural areas”. That exemption, granted in 2019, has been dropped and about 600 farmers face fines unless they scale down or buy scarce rights to “pollute” via the quota scheme.

The European Commission backed a strategy to compensate livestock farmers for halting their operations in certain areas – with a stipulation that they never resume animal breeding activities. The implications would involve a drop in global food availability and a spike in prices.

On one hand the 2030 Agenda of the WEF and UN seeks to boost yields and at the same time outlaw the natural byproducts of agricultural processes. Both bodies have targeted carbon and nitrogen — the former being the building block of life on Earth and the latter being the largest constituent gas in the atmosphere, making up 78 percent of the air — as dangerous substances. In a further development, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has called for a 30 percent reduction in methane emissions by 2030 to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. The US government has just committed $700m to chart methane, which is viewed as a greenhouse gas that contributes to 25 percent of global warming.

The UN Environment Programme has created the Methane Alert and Response System (Mars) to detect and measure methane sources, initially focusing on the oil and gas sector. “It coordinates remote observations from satellites, including those operated by the European, Italian and German space agencies and Nasa, with the aim of identifying large emission sources of methane around the world,” says the UNEP website.

“We expect different reactions from governments and companies with whom we share our data,” said Manfredi Caltagirone, head of the International Methane Emissions Observatory. “Some will be constructive, proactive and keen to solve the problem with us. But we are aware that there are governments and companies that will not even pick up the phone. Some might even say: ‘Your data is wrong, there must be a mistake.’ But they also know that this data will be public and include information on the feedback and cooperation we have or have not received from the countries and companies in question,” he said.

“We are using satellites that have high spatial resolution and possess the ability to zoom in on the source of the methane emission. With more satellites and instruments at our disposal, our ability to use these technologies is increasing and improving dramatically.”

These agencies claim that rice accounts for 10 percent of global methane emissions, and therefore its production should be curtailed. Rice is a staple food for billions of people. Would restrictions on such a staple food not lead to mass starvation?

Under the pretext of detecting and monitoring an increasing array of dangerous gases and activities across agriculture and the so-called fossil-fuel industry, the UN and WEF are commandeering the most advanced surveillance tools on the planet. Even though considerable doubts remain over the whole greenhouse effect and data on global temperature fluctuations.

Th WEF has previously touted its vision of a “farm-free future,” where food is manufactured in labs and humans are herded into designated urban zones. This is nothing less than a war on food — and the elements of life on Earth. Satellites are just the latest weapons in the armory.

The draconian measures that spread around the world during the pandemic crisis (using a scientific narrative that has since been dismantled and exposed by Congressional enquiries and scientific discussions) were also at the behest of these two organizations together with the affiliated World Health Organization via compliant western governments. Once again a hypothesis of a global threat has been used to commandeer technology and legislation to institute an orchestrated destruction of the existing social fabric and contract, but this time via the main food and energy systems on the planet.

These developments run the risk of becoming a global Orwellian dictatorship — and are being justified by climate fanatics from all walks of life who believe that it is heretical to challenge their views, even with compelling countering scientific data. The various NGOs and government departments over decades of environmental proselytizing have arguably never produced a reliable prediction of global ecological or health-related consequence.

The potential of satellites in the development of smart grids is being realized at the highest levels of the body politic. Smart grids are now considered a crucial component of the planned energy landscape, enabling better integration of “renewable” energy sources and facilitating real-time monitoring and control of energy consumption.

The most important aspect of smart grids is their ability to monitor and control energy consumption at the end-user level. This can be achieved through the deployment of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), which enables two-way communication between utility companies and their customers. Satellites may allow the widespread adoption of AMI by providing the efficient and pervasive communication infrastructure. The benefits derived for people in remote and rural areas, where traditional terrestrial networks may be limited or non-existent, is touted by technologists as a key benefit. However, as we have seen with smart meters in homes, the interfaces are inherently invasive to freedom of use and can potentially be used to switch off energy supplies if the end user is deemed to have used too much or, at some later juncture, has not satisfied various social criteria for compliance. The optimum words used in their promotion are “monitor” and “control”.

What better place for the maniacal and hypocritical globalists to oversee such a dogma than from the heavens. Will it take a deus ex machina to extricate us from this developing techno-fascism or will the manufactured scientific consensus collapse before every inch of the planet is surveilled and given a social score?

Meanwhile, John F. Clauser, winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on quantum mechanics, has announced he will sign the World Climate Declaration of Clintel — with its central premise that “there is no climate emergency”. Clauser’s decision follows that of Nobel Laureate Dr Ivar Giaever. The number of scientists and experts signing the World Climate Declaration has reached 1,600 to date.

“The popular narrative about climate change reflects a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people,” said Clauser.

“Misguided climate science has metastasized into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience. In turn, the pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other unrelated ills. It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies, and environmentalists. In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis. There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world’s large population and an associated energy crisis. The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science.”

The chart below demonstrates that increased CO2 correlates with an expansion of life, less with its demise. The so-called elite, who believe the world is over-populated, are scheming to remove CO2. When will we put them out of our misery?

The war on the stuff of life has gained altitude — but no one can hear a climate extremist scream in space.

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James Fitzgerald is a senior editor and cutting edge journalist who has worked on national newspapers for 16 years.

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