Urgent Urgent Urgent – Action Needed!
January 13, 2021
by Sheila G
This afternoon the House impeached the President for the second time. The Senate will need to hold a trial and then vote. We don’t have a lot of time, and it is imperative we provide our Senators with our gift of feedback. Let me explain about the gift of feedback.
My boss once told me that feedback is very much a gift. Sometimes we receive gifts we like, and sometimes we don’t. However, a wise person always holds on to the gift that is not so well-liked before discarding it – just in case something useful is found for it.
We have Senators who have served us well, and they need to know that we appreciate them. We also have Senators who have used us, abused us, and proven themselves disingenuous. They need the sternest of warnings.
Below is the list of Republican Senators for 2021 along with their telephone and email addresses. The emails are clickable links that will take you directly to their email. You are welcome to compose your own message or use some of those shown below. Emailing a Senator is different than emailing a house member. Senators accept emails from anyone, anywhere. House members only accept emails from their congressional districts. When sending the email, please keep in mind that senators have limits to the number of characters their form will aceept
You can copy and paste into the email any or all of these messages:
Dear ,
I am writing to you to express my opinion of the impeachment of our President.
Paragraphs to choose from:
*✅I want to thank you for standing up for our President and through him us. I recognize that is no easy feat when standing in front of and surrounded by anarchists. Thank you for all that you do for us.
*✅I am very dissatisfied with your performance and lack of action. The President did not incite into anything and you know that. You used us to get elected and then turned your back on us. That makes you disingenous. Should you decide to vote for impeachment, please know your action seals the coffin on the Republican Party. I am prepared to walk away and will never again contribute to the party.
*✅I am very upset that you choose to stand with the liberals by calling us thugs who committed a heinous crime at the Capitol. You know, and I know it was a setup. You know, and I know that you are participating because of your hatred for our President. You should be ashamed that you would call the very people who elected you, thugs and criminals while you sat back in 2020 and watch ANTIFA and BLM destroy, torch, and loot private and government property. You stood by and did nothing when these thugs were beating and murdering innocent citizens. You did nothing when these thugs spit on our Police but are incensed when the same is done to you. This simple comparison is the best example of just how disingenuous you are. You are on notice. A vote for impeachment means I walk away from the Republican Party. I never again donate one cent.
*✅We the people are 74,000,000 + strong. It appears some of you have lost your way. We may have lost the battle in 2020 however we will not lose the war. Have you forgotten from whence you came or have you just decided that you can do anything no matter why we the people voted for you? It is time you grow a set, man up and stand for we the people. We stood with you now is the time for you to stand with us. We the people will be watching you.
*It is shameful that you did nothing and accomplished nothing in the last 4 years. You have stood with the liberals since 2016. That makes you a liberal who ran on a Republican ticket. It also makes you disingenuous and reprehensible. A vote for impeachment seals the deal for me – I will walk away from the party and never again donate one dime. You would do well to listen to my feedback. We have a large walk away movement going. Exhibit some intelligence and know that without us President Trump is the last President the Republican Party will have. You can’t win without us.
*✅Some of your counterparts in the House voted for impeachment of our President at the time he needed them the most. I am writing to each of you to humbly request that you NOT follow their lead.
For over 4 years, President Trump has had to dodge the proverbial “arrows” and “bullets” from not only the liberal mainstream media, big tech and faithless Hollywood celebrities but also from many of your political “colleagues”.
I will remind you what Kamala Harris said to Stephen Colbert in July 2020 in regards to the ANTIFA and BLM protests taking place all over our nation …”But they’re not going to stop. They’re not gonna stop. They’re not…this is a movement I’m telling you. They’re not gonna stop. And everyone beware because they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop before Election Day in November and they’re not gonna stop after Election Day. And that should be … everyone should take note of that on both levels. They’re not gonna let up and they should not. And WE should not.
I suppose this is not considered “incitement”.
I’m asking you to please do your jobs which is to request evidence of President Trump’s incompetence, mental or physical, as per the parameters of the 25th amendment.
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