• September 7, 2024

95% Vaccinated NFL Sets Single Day Record With 37 New Covid Cases – Quickly Mandates Experimental Booster For All Coaches and Staff By End of Month

 95% Vaccinated NFL Sets Single Day Record With 37 New Covid Cases – Quickly Mandates Experimental Booster For All Coaches and Staff By End of Month

On Monday, the NFL reported a whopping 37 new cases of Covid-19 among its personnel, which prompted the league to quickly issue an update to its Covid protocols that requires all coaches and staff to receive the experimental booster shot by the end of December.

The number of new cases is the most that have been recorded by the league since the beginning of the outbreak.

Clearly, the first two jabs of vaccine didn’t do what they were supposed to in limiting the spread of the virus, especially considering that virtually everyone involved in NFL operations is fully vaccinatedincluding 95% of all players, and over 99% of coaches and staff.

Nevertheless, the NFL is sticking to the public health regime’s propaganda and mandating that its employees must take their third shot.

Immediately after finding out about the dozens of new cases, the NFL issued a leaguewide memo to all 32 teams that said the organization is going to follow the CDC’s baseless recommendation and require that all non-player personnel take the booster no later than December 27th.

The memo asked teams to provide booster shots to all eligible staff “as soon as possible.”

Although the players are 95% vaccinated, they are protected by their union – the NFLPA – and therefore are not subject to the same mandates that coaches or other staff members are.

From the NFL memo:

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) along with our experts have advised that the most effective method for players and staff to prevent contracting and transmitting COVID-19 is to be vaccinated. Indeed, our own data has shown that unvaccinated players have contracted the virus and lost time as close contacts at a much greater rate than vaccinated players.

On November 29, the CDC issued a study showing that the effectiveness of the approved COVID-19 vaccines may decrease over time and has recommended that all eligible vaccinated individuals over the age of 18 should receive a third booster shot. Given the increased prevalence of the virus in our communities, our experts have recommended that we implement the CDC’s recommendation.

In accordance with the CDC recommendation, all Tier 1 and Tier 2 staff who have been previously vaccinated and are eligible under the CDC guidelines, must receive a booster shot no later than December 27.”

The NFL’s knee-jerk reaction to this spike in Covid cases comes as

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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