AFL Demands Idaho School District Follow the Law and Obtain Parental Consent Before Implementing Woke Curriculum: “The function of public education in America is to provide a solid foundation for children in core academic subjects like math, science, reading, writing, and history; it is not to usurp the role and rights of parents on the moral upbringing…America First Legal will continue to hold these school systems accountable for its blatant disregard of parental rights…”
AFL Urges Court to Quash Biden Justice Department’s Sweeping Attack on Eagle Forum of Alabama: “Through its subpoena, this Department of Justice sent a clear and unmistakable message to every American citizen: if you oppose the Biden Administration’s radical agenda, you will be targeted and harassed. If the Department’s subpoena is not quashed, it will embolden nefarious actors within the Department to repeat this oppressive conduct across the country. We are proud to stand with Eagle Forum of Alabama against this unprecedented overreach…”
AFL Challenges Woke Tech Company, Twilio, for Racist Violations of Federal Civil Rights Laws: “Twilio is also engaged in unlawful hiring quotas based on race. In 2020, the company committed to achieving representation parity for Black Twilions at every level of the company. Moreover, Twilio established programs such as a software engineering apprenticeship only for underrepresented persons, and an online coaching program and leadership development and career advancement program…”
America First Legal Foundation is a national, nonprofit organization that works to promote the rule of law in the United States, prevent executive overreach, ensure due process and equal protection for all Americans, and to encourage the diffusion of knowledge and understanding of the law and individual rights guaranteed under the United States Constitution and the laws of the United States.