• October 17, 2024

Antifa Rioters Hit Tacoma In Revenge After Police SUV Careens Through Crowd

 Antifa Rioters Hit Tacoma In Revenge After Police SUV Careens Through Crowd

In response to the police SUV driving through a crowd that was mobbing the officer late Saturday night, antifa militants have converged on Tacoma to do what they do best: Destroy the city in some sort of demonstration of revenge.

They assaulted random bystanders, smashed up local businesses, destroyed cars, set fires in the street, and put the city’s traffic system under siege. You know, all the usual stuff we’ve come to expect in Seattle and Portland. Conspicuous by their absence are the Tacoma police, who also look to be following in the footsteps of their northwest brethren and ceding the city to the terrorists.

The street preacher from the Seattle protests has been knocked to the ground once again #Tacoma#TacomaProtestspic.twitter.com/zXvnZThvQT

— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) January 25, 2021

Fights breaking out near Frost Park in downtown Tacoma #Tacoma#TacomaProtests#Washingtonpic.twitter.com/nAT5NDdtUX

— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) January 25, 2021

Tacoma, WA: Antifa has set fire to a dumpster in the middle of the street pic.twitter.com/gY22f4nx8L

— James Klüg (@realJamesKlug) January 25, 2021

Fires burning in the streets of downtown Tacoma tonight #Tacoma#TacomaProtests#Washingtonpic.twitter.com/8uD7PNzoQ2

— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) January 25, 2021

Tacoma, Wa: Antifa has vandalized at least 10 businesses as well as parked vehicles pic.twitter.com/TSkBCpYEH8

— James Klüg (@realJamesKlug) January 25, 2021

Tacoma: Another store had their windows shattered pic.twitter.com/tj0j3btsYU

— James Klüg (@realJamesKlug) January 25, 2021

Tacoma PD have declared an unlawful assembly. About Antifa 100-120 remain. pic.twitter.com/obYQQc15qM

— (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) January 25, 2021

They also took their anger out on the courthouse:

Windows smashed at the courthouse in Tacoma #Tacoma#Tacomaprotests#Washingtonpic.twitter.com/sd0ed4LGdp

— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) January 25, 2021

Tacoma, WA: Antifa drivers help assist Antifa members with traffic control pic.twitter.com/o0i5SuyTxT

— James Klüg (@realJamesKlug) January 25, 2021

tacoma protests currently.. pic.twitter.com/6GWWr3mbgw

(@thekungfukitty) January 25,

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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