• September 23, 2024


Oregon Sex Workers Now Eligible For COVID Aid

Strippers, prostitutes, porn stars, and others in the sex industry (pimps?) are now eligible to receive COVID grant money in Oregon. $600,000 has been allocated through the Oregon Health Authority, and the funds will be distributed through a marxist-alligned organization called Haymarket Pole Collective. Perhaps even more outrageous, the YWCA is helping to raise additional […]Read More

HAVE FAITH – Hundreds of Pro-Trump IT Volunteers Are Scouring

IT Volunteers have joined together in at least two big groups to help the Trump campaign.  They’ve already identified thousands of discrepancies and activities that must be explained. We reported earlier today that the Epoch Times reported the following in Pennsylvania: More than 20,000 absentee ballots in Pennsylvania have impossible return dates and another more […]Read More

What Is Bill Barr Going to Do?

There are a lot of Trump supporters who are very frustrated, even angry, with the silence of Attorney General Bill Barr in the wake of last Tuesday’s attempted Democrat heist of the Presidential election. But there are indications that Barr, who understands what it takes to fight the entrenched bureaucracy that is aligned with a […]Read More

Biden Chief of Staff Designate Ron Klain Said in 2014

Ron Klain, chief of staff designate for Joe Biden, said in 2014 that elections are rigged. Klain made the comment on Twitter in reply to a Vox post on July 14, 2014 that said “68% of Americans think elections are rigged.” Klain replied. “That’s because they are.” Ron Klain, file image. The Biden transition office […]Read More

BOOM: President Trump Tweets that Dominion Attempted to Alter Our

President Trump tweeted tonight one of the most important tweets of his Presidency.  He has identified voter fraud related to Dominion voting machines. We’ve reported that there were numerous instances in this election where votes were switched from President Trump to Joe Biden in states predominantly using Dominion voting machines: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Election […]Read More

IMPOSSIBLE: GOP Picked Up Seats in House, Picked Up State

US Governor Races– In the state governor races Republicans won 8 of 11 seats and picked up 1 seat in Montana. US Senate– In the US Senate Republicans defended 23 seats. Democrats defended 12 seats. Democrats only won 13 seats. They picked up Colorado and Arizona. Senator McSally lost both Republican Senate seats in Arizona […]Read More

What These Two Men Found In The Trash After A

A young man posted a very disturbing discovery on his Instagram story that was made by him and the groom after a wedding reception held in a church hall where voting took place earlier in the day. Chase O’Shea, who claims he’s a big Trump supporter but doesn’t post about his political beliefs, said he […]Read More