• July 26, 2024

Investigator _50


(Scott Johnson) The pandemic is not over yet, according to the new Biden administration Covid czar Ashish Jha speaking on FOX News Sunday and elsewhere this morning. Although his manner is not grating, the message is infuriating. Also infuriating is the lack of follow-up questions. We don’t expect any better of such Democratic enforcers as […]Read More

“And that is our job”

(Scott Johnson) Freddie Prinze made “It’s not my job” the catchphrase of his stand-up act and television series Chico and The Man. What, you may ask, is the job of the mainstream media, and how does Elon Musk threaten it? You may have missed the explanation provided by the deep thinkers holding down the fort […]Read More

Are you a QCJO?

(Scott Johnson) I take it that certain tax benefits accrue to entities deemed a Qualified Canadian Journalism Organization under Canadian law. Are you now or have you ever been a QCJO? National Post columnist Rex Murphy reports that Ezra Levant’s Rebel News has been weighed in the balance and found wanting, according to the recent […]Read More