• October 17, 2024

BREAKING: Violent ‘Protest’ Underway in Wisconsin Over Officer-Involved Shooting, Cop Knocked Out, Incendiary Weapons Launched at Officers

 BREAKING: Violent ‘Protest’ Underway in Wisconsin Over Officer-Involved Shooting, Cop Knocked Out, Incendiary Weapons Launched at Officers

Fires are being started and a police officer has been knocked unconscious in Kenosha, Wisconsin, following an officer-involved shooting.

The rioters were also reportedly jumping on police vehicles and slashing their tires.

Police officer knocked out and fires being started in #kenosha live stream here https://t.co/m3sS8RpdUTpic.twitter.com/TOoZsI0EzP

— cacti (@SCCacti) August 24, 2020

Crowds becoming hostile in #kenosha live stream here https://t.co/m3sS8RpdUTpic.twitter.com/2YPN6N8G8P

— cacti (@SCCacti) August 24, 2020

#BREAKING: Someone just threw some type of incendiary weapon that set multiple fires at scene @KenoshaPolice officer-involved shooting. Law enforcement have just shown up in riot gear & a military vehicle. #[email protected]/bFNnEA8RSo

— Lauren Linder (@lauren_linder) August 24, 2020

#BREAKING: Large crowd has formed outside the scene of an officer-involved shooting in #Kenosha@KenoshaPolice say they a man is seriously hurt. People are now breaking the windows of cop cars. Warning – expletives @tmj4pic.twitter.com/pKqbSKrZQY

— Lauren Linder (@lauren_linder) August 24, 2020

It is unclear what exactly knocked the officer out, or what his current condition is. In a video of him falling, a strange noise can be heard right before he drops.

The “protesters” were reportedly throwing things at the police, including Molotov cocktails.

There’s mass chaos in Kenosha, WI after an officer involved shooting. A molotov cocktail (among other objects) was just thrown at officers, and somebody seriously injured pic.twitter.com/JYJLPnFtZQ

— Kitty Shackleford (@KittyLists) August 24, 2020

The violence is in response to a video of the shooting in which the suspect is seen ignoring officers and attempting to reach for something in his vehicle before being shot in the back multiple times.



Police have executed a black man in #Kenosha Wisconsin. A crowd is forming. Take proportionate actions. This is one hour from Chicago. [We don’t advise watching video; posted as evidence] pic.twitter.com/fxoDbag78a

— Vitalist International (@VitalistInt) August 24, 2020

The man who was shot is reportedly alive, but in “serious” condition.

Leftists have also already doxed the officer and have been posting threats towards him online.

This is an ongoing situation and the Gateway Pundit will be continuing to provide

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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