• July 26, 2024

Cedric Richmond Says Biden Will Run Over Governors! Not So Fast Cedric

 Cedric Richmond Says Biden Will Run Over Governors! Not So Fast Cedric


September 10, 2021

by Sheila G


I finished reading a Fox News article quoting Cedric Richmond who was a guest on CNN’s Don Lemon’s show.

“Senior White House adviser Cedric Richmond declared Thursday that President Joe Biden would “run over” governors that stood in the way of his efforts to mandate vaccinations against the coronavirus in companies with more than 100 employees.”

Giving his statement some serious thought, I believe he deserves a response from a regular ‘ole citizen – me.

Cedric, I want to thank you and the President’s handlers for all that you do. I have no animosity toward Joe. I know he is old and feeble. You and his handlers are doing a wonderful job –  exactly what I would do if I had the opportunity!  Not only do you have to serve the President of the United States of America, you also have to contend with the Vice President! That makes your job a hundred times harder.

I specifically want to thank you, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, the The Joint Chief’s leader General Milley, and the President’s handlers for cratering the political career of Joe and Kamala. It makes me so relieved to know that President Jimmy Carter, who is a very nice man but a not so good President, can now die peacefully knowing that he wasn’t America’s worst President.

I  am certain that after this election all of you will land respectable jobs helping someone’s campaign if not for all that you did to crater Joe’s legacy but from your loyalty to Joe.

You may want to use this time to walk back your comments that Joe will run all over the governors. Joe can hardly walk, let alone run.

Among all of the handlers and advisors, none of you have the experience in your life’s book of knowledge to draw upon for formulating strategy. The strategies that you have employed for the economy, covid, Afghanistan and the new tough strategy on the vax just puts Joe and Kamala further in the hole with the public. 2022 is going to be a great election!

But you should also know there is another large issue fomenting!


Please, please don’t change your strategy –  it’s working miracles!

Click here to read the Fox News article


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Freedom vs Tyranny

Editor SheilaG