• September 7, 2024

CensorTrack with TR: Big Tech Protects Biden’s Reputation 646 Times!

It’s Episode 35 of CensorTrack with TR. This week we talked about a recent MRC study that found 646 cases of censorship that covered criticism of President Joe Biden over the past two years. 

Using the CensorTrack database, MRC Free Speech America found 646 instances where Big Tech hid the truth about Biden and his family to help Biden’s reputation both now and during the 2020 election. 

In October 2020, the New York Post released a bombshell story that detailed the corrupt foreign business dealings of the Biden family. Twitter suspended the New York Post’s account for 17 days and censored 140 other accounts for sharing the story. Since then, the New York Post story has been confirmed by The New York Times, but Big Tech’s suppression of that story back in 2020 helped shift the presidential election in Biden’s favor. MRC found that 45.1% of Biden’s voters weren’t fully aware of the story, and 9.4% of Biden’s voters would have abandoned him if they were “fully aware” of the scandalous revelations. 

The MRC study found 232 cases of comedic memes, videos, or generic posts about Biden’s creepy behavior that Big Tech censored. 

Numerous outlets and shows cited the story, including Tucker Carlson Tonight, The Five, Fox and Friends, The Faulkner Focus, Varney & Co.,  The National Desk, Newsmax TV, The Washington Examiner, Breitbart, The Gateway Pundit, Reclaim the Net, RedState, Daily Mail, The Blaze and The Epoch Times. Hopefully, future liberal media coverage will finally acknowledge the bias of Big Tech. 

Watch below for the thirty-fifth episode of CensorTrack with TR! We encourage you to post and share it across all social media. If you have been censored, contact us at www.CensorTrack.org, and use #FreeSpeech to point out more of Big Tech’s unacceptable bias. 


Check out our recent episodes:

Facebook Nixes Heritage Action Video of Biden Quote

CensorTrack with TR: YouTube Gives ‘Everyone a Voice’ … Except Conservatives

‘Trust the ‘Science’…Unless You Call a Man, a Man

LinkedIn Censors Story of Air Force Veteran For NO Reason

Ignorance Is Bliss? Twitter Hides Evil Truth of Abortion

And more! 

Conservatives are under attack. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.

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