• July 26, 2024

Do You Know How Well Your Two U.S. Senators Are Serving You?

 Do You Know How Well Your Two U.S. Senators Are Serving You?

By Sheila G, Editor Conservative Choice Campaign

June 26, 2023

I have been publishing the rankings for the Conservative Senate and House for the last 3-4 years. This article covers only the Conservative Senators.

I firmly believe the only accurate measure of any politician’s performance is based upon how they cast their votes. Specifically, I am referring to how many votes they give to the conservative agenda versus the liberal agenda. It is the only method that supports sorting political rhetoric (their words) from their actions (their votes). It is their actions that count.

The data I use is public information from my favorite organization, The Liberty Score by Conservative Review.  You can view their site by clicking here:     Liberty Score

They use elementary math to compute the scores and assign each Representative a grade. I merely collect, sort, analyze, and publish the data. Conservative Review does all of the trackings. This is how Conservative Review assigns grades:

            A – 0 to 10% of votes given to liberals

            B – 11% to 20% 

            C – 21% to 30%

            D – 31% to 40%

            F – 41% or more

Grades D and F are considered failures and earn the title of RINO because, at this level, they do not share our conservative principles and values. There can be RINOs in Grades A through C for specific votes where they did not stand with their fellow conservatives on the ballots we deem essential to progress the conservative agenda and support the people’s will.

While grades A through C are considered successful, it is essential to recognize bipartisanship is vital to moving the agenda forward. Sometimes, negotiation is necessary to obtain the crucial parts of the bill we want. I support negotiation, provided we get something significant in return. That is not always the case, which is not ok with me. Some congressmen and women do it more than others.

Senate Party Breakdown

(The three independent members caucus with the Democrats.)


SENATE RANKINGS best to the absolute worst performing Senators in the House:

Senator State % Liberal Votes Grade RINO Election Yr
Rand Paul KY 6% A 2028
Mike Lee UT 6% A 2028
Marsha Blackburn TN 7% A 2024
Tommy Tuberville AL 8% A 2026
Cynthia Lummis WY 8% A 2026
Mike Braun IN 12% B 2024
Roger Marshall KS 12% B 2026
Bill Hagerty TN 12% B 2026
Ted Cruz TX 12% B 2024
Rick Scott FL 14% B 2024
Josh Hawley MO 14% B 2024
Jim Risch ID 18% B 2026
Tom Cotton AR 19% B 2026
Ron Johnson WI 22% C 2028
John Kennedy LA 23% C 2028
Tim Scott SC 23% C 2028
John Barasso WY 24% C 2024
James Lankford OK 25% C 2028
Steve Daines MT 26% C 2026
Marco Rubio FL 27% C 2028
Mike Crapo ID 31% D yes 2028
Deb Fischer NE 34% D yes 2024
Dan Sullivan AK 36% D yes 2026
John Boozman AR 36% D yes 2028
Kevin Cramer ND 36% D yes 2024
Joni Ernst IA 38% D yes 2026
John Hoeven ND 38% D yes 2028
Chuck Grassley IA 44% F yes 2028
Bill Cassidy LA 45% F yes 2026
Cindy Hyde-Smith MS 46% F yes 2024
John Cornyn TX 46% F yes 2026
Todd Young IN 48% F yes 2028
Mike Rounds SD 48% F yes 2026
Mitt Romney UT 48% F yes 2024
Jerry Moran KS 49% F yes 2028
John Thune SD 49% F yes 2028
Roger Wicker MS 50% F yes 2026
Thom Tillis NC 51% F yes 2026
Mitch McConnell KY 56% F yes 2026
Lindsey Graham SC 57% F yes 2026
Shelley Moore-Capito WV 57% F yes 2026
Lisa Murkowski AK 71% F yes 2028
Susan Collins ME 80% F yes 2026

There are 43 incumbent senators plus 6 new senators for which there are no votes yet recorded which come to a total of 49. The election cycle for our five new Senators is 2028.

1. We have 23 failing Senators counting both grades D and F. That translates to 47% of our Conservative Senators voting with the liberals.

Do you understand now why nothing gets done?

2.  We re-elected in 2022, eight failing Senators, of which one is the second worst performing Conservative Senator in the Chamber — Lisa Murkowski who has given 71% of her votes to the liberal agenda. Come on Alaska! You can do far better than Murkowski! McConnell needs to stay out of Alaska elections!

These are the Senators we just re-elected.  Keep in mind these people are in office through 2028. We have six more years to put up with their nonsense.

ID Mike Crapo @MikeCrapo ID 31% D yes 2028
AR John Boozman @JohnBoozman AR 36% D yes 2028
ND John Hoeven @SenJohnHoeven ND 38% D yes 2028
IA Chuck Grassley @ChuckGrassley IA 44% F yes 2028
 IN Todd Young @SenToddYoung IN 48% F yes 2028
KS Jerry Moran @JerryMoran KS 49% F yes 2028
SD John Thune @SenJohnThune SD 49% F yes 2028
AK Lisa Murkowski @lisamurkowski AK 71% F yes 2028

3.  Here are the top 10 worst performing Conservative Senators in the chamber. We have 14 Senators who make the top 10 worst performers due to ties. The names should be of no surprise to anyone. The percentages shown in this chart represent the percent of votes each has given to the Conservative agenda. This is the only chart in this article that will show votes given to the conservative agenda.


4. Leader McConnell is in the top 10 worst performing Conservative Senators and holds the title of the “Fifth Worst Performing Conservative Senator”. The liberals have received 56% of his votes . Let’s look at what Schumer gave him in return.



Many believe that McConnell is wonderful. I do not agree with that assessment whatsoever. The Senators as a group voted for McConnell to be their leader. It’s unbelievable and a nightmare but true.

 5. These are our six new Senators

Katie Britt AL
Eric Schmitt MO
Ted Budd NC
Gov Pete Rickets NE
J.D. Vance OH
Markwayne Mullin OK



I remember being taught in school about President Kennedy. Something that I read in fifth grade has stuck with me all of these years.  And it’s this:

We need to be laser focused on the Senators running for re-election in 2024 – particularly the failures. It will be easy for the incumbents who were re-elected and whose next election cycle is 2028 to become confident in doing whatever they want. After all, they aren’t facing re-election. I recommend staying laser focused on these two groups and keeping an eye on the remaining failures.

I know that we have all been beating our heads against the wall asking ourselves what can we do? What can we do for our country?

Here is what we can do for our country without violence.

It is in my opinion,  that nothing short of a call from China or Russia to take our country back by taking out our leaders or face a threat of a nuclear strike, we will never invoke 2A for its original intended purpose of taking control of an out of control government. In my opinion, our country is filled with too many diverse and divisive beliefs too pull it off. Additionally, on the conservative side, we have too many people who fear our government and being jailed. I say that as one unit we will never act. We are too passive for that to happen. So what can we do?

Recognize that social media is not our only way of fighting back.  But it can be a powerful non-violent tool to fight back if people know how to use it correctly. But there are thousands who do not know.

Exactly what and why were those who were censored by social media doing that made our government request their accounts to be suspended? What were those users doing that warranted adding a “delete icon” to specific government employees Twitter accounts to delete anyone’s tweet at their will? It’s important to recognize that our own Republican Party participated in requesting our accounts be censored. I suggest the suspended accounts were doing something right and the government moved quickly to shut it down. Here’s what I know they were doing.

  1. Twitter is the only social media platform that has the entire Federal and State Government agencies, appointees, President, Governors, Party representatives, state and local party, etc. If they aren’t on Twitter they aren’t “special” other than President Trump. The censored accounts recognized this.

  2. The suspended people were making a great deal of progress by addressing (or directing) their tweets to the elected officials, the agencies, the governors, etc. across all party lines. Why? Because these are the people responsible for fixing the problem.

  3. An additional reason for suspension is for reporting the truth — the real news.

  4. The reason these people are different from us, they set their fear of suspension aside. They viewed a suspension as a badge of honor. They picked themselves up and recreated and came back. They didn’t give up. By the way, in my opinion, these are the very people that would make great leaders if and when 2a is ever to be used as intended. These were people who had many followers. We trusted and revered them.

The moral of this story is pretty simple. Set your fears aside. Start directing those tweets to the people who can fix the problem. They need to know what you see, hear and feel. We do need the humor on social media and we need to keep that going. We need to lift each other up and keep that going. When we fight, it means getting in the ring with our opponents. The only way you can get in the ring with them is to direct your tweets to them. We can actually accomplish knockouts if stand together and take them on together!

Before you hit the send key ask yourself a few questions;

  1. Do I just need to vent in general? Then hit the send key.

  2. Am I complaining about a problem? Then direct it to the individual(s) who can fix it.

  3. Is this funny, enjoyable, etc.? Then hit the send key.

  4. Is this new information that everyone would benefit from knowing?Hit the send key.

What else can we do?

I make 15 to 20 calls each week to Senators, Representatives – both state and Federal. I’m now on a first name basis with many of their staff. Some of them are really nice and fun. You can and should attempt to make calls as well. There is no magic number of calls to make. Do what you can.

When you call a US House of Representative you will be asked if you live in the Representative’s district. I am always honest and say yes or no. When they hear “NO”, you will receive this response:

                           “The Representative only accepts messages from his district.”

This is untrue. You respond with, “If that it so, then I demand you remove my name from the Representatives donor list, text and phone messages to my personal number immediately. I want a letter confirming it has been completed.”

I guarantee they will take your message.

Email them and always request a response. You can photograph it and put it on Twitter for us all to see. Then we can call or tweet to thank the politician or further enlighten him/her when necessary.

I absolutely believe in peaceful protest. I am adult. I don’t do things that harm other people or my country or destroy public and private property. I have a moral code. But I absolutely believe in the right to publicly have my voice heard. When we come together in mass there is nothing more effective than seeing a huge huge group of like minded people gathered together to be heard.

I have zero tolerance for those who say, “Don’t go. “It’s a trap.” To me, that is the same as waving the white flag of surrender. That is not me. I will never wave the white flag of surrender. I will never make myself a victim. I will never be a coward and when I hear the words don’t go or it’s a trap that is exactly how I view the person saying them. I understand thoroughly what a true victim is and that is accomplished only under the threat of death or bodily injury.  If I become a victim it will be through my own poor decisions, my own ignorance or my own laziness. My rule for protests is pretty simple. I will never throw the first punch. I will do everything I can to de-escalate a situation. And, I will be peaceful.  But once someone throws a punch at me, I am now free to say game on. I now have the right to defend and protect myself.  And if someone approaches me, encourages me to do something I would not normally do, I am pretty certain it’s a fed. Simply walk away. Don’t engage with them.

I rarely respond to leftists comments. We all should keep in mind that if our only comment is an insult you have just handed the win to the enemy. When only an insult is hurled it simply means the author doesn’t have the knowledge or intellect to contribute to a meaningful conversation. I have found that I truly cannot change stupid when the individual doesn’t accept facts and evidence.

We are united in 99% of our conservative principles and values with no doubt in my mind. However, we are not united on how to effectively fight back to effect change. If we are to become a forceful and powerful entity standing together we must stand together on how to hit the targets. Right now we are doing a very very poor job of hitting the targets.

Lastly, thank you Elon Musk for buying Twitter, making it better and exposing how corrupt our government really is.

Anyone can have access to my list of Senators and House of Representatives. You do need a Google account and Google Sheets. This is the only way I can make it available to everyone.  To receive access simply send me a direct message on Twitter or send me an email shown below.

For your convenience, here is the list in state order:

My apologies, sometimes Google Sheets has a burp. The State of Florida will not go to where it is supposed to be.

Senator State % Liberal Votes Grade RINO Election Yr
Rick Scott FL 14% B 2024
Marco Rubio FL 27% C 2028
Dan Sullivan AK 36% D yes 2026
Lisa Murkowski AK 71% F yes 2028
Tommy Tuberville AL 8% A 2026
Katie Britt AL 2028
Tom Cotton AR 19% B 2026
John Boozman AR 36% D yes 2028
Joni Ernst IA 38% D yes 2026
Chuck Grassley IA 44% F yes 2028
Jim Risch ID 18% B 2026
Mike Crapo ID 31% D yes 2028
Mike Braun IN 12% B 2024
Todd Young IN 48% F yes 2028
Roger Marshall KS 12% B 2026
Jerry Moran KS 49% F yes 2028
Rand Paul KY 6% A 2028
Mitch McConnell KY 56% F yes 2026
John Kennedy LA 23% C 2028
Bill Cassidy LA 45% F yes 2026
Susan Collins ME 80% F yes 2026
Josh Hawley MO 14% B 2024
Eric Schmitt MO 2028
Cindy Hyde-Smith MS 46% F yes 2024
Roger Wicker MS 50% F yes 2026
Steve Daines MT 26% C 2026
Thom Tillis NC 51% F yes 2026
Ted Budd NC 2028
Kevin Cramer ND 36% D yes 2024
John Hoeven ND 38% D yes 2028
Deb Fischer NE 34% D yes 2024
Gov Pete Rickets NE 2028
J.D. Vance OH 2028
James Lankford OK 25% C 2028
Markwayne Mullin OK 2028
Tim Scott SC 23% C 2028
Lindsey Graham SC 57% F yes 2026
Mike Rounds SD 48% F yes 2026
John Thune SD 49% F yes 2028
Marsha Blackburn TN 7% A 2024
Bill Hagerty TN 12% B 2026
Ted Cruz TX 12% B 2024
John Cornyn TX 46% F yes 2026
Mike Lee UT 6% A 2028
Mitt Romney UT 48% F yes 2024
Ron Johnson WI 22% C 2028
Shelley Moore-Capito WV 57% F yes 2026
Cynthia Lummis WY 8% A 2026
John Barasso WY 24% C 2024

You can find me on Twitter. My handle is @GirlBoss2024. You can email me at; [email protected]









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Freedom vs Tyranny

Editor SheilaG