• October 7, 2024

Dominion demands retraction from Sidney Powell

 Dominion demands retraction from Sidney Powell

by Mike Brest


The Canadian-founded company sent Powell, a former federal prosecutor, a letter on Thursday demanding she publicly retract her “wild, knowingly baseless and false accusations” about the company’s voting machines. The Washington Examiner has obtained the letter in which the company called her theories “predicated on lies” that have “endangered Dominion’s business and the lives of its employees.”

“While you are entitled to your own opinions, Ms. Powell, you are not entitled to your own facts,” the company wrote. “Although the indisputable facts all point to the conclusion that this was a free and fair election, you launched a media circus and fundraising campaign that undermined confidence in American democracy and peddled false, inherently improbable, and defamatory claims about Dominion participating in an international conspiracy to rig the election, deeply damaging Dominion’s hard-earned reputation and business in the process.”

Powell has promoted a handful of theories since President-elect Joe Biden won the election, and she has filed lawsuits, nicknamed the Kraken, in some battleground states that the former vice president won that have widely failed in the courts. Some of those allegations are that the voting machines are the same kind used in Venezuela during the Hugo Chavez regime; they have the capability of switching votes secretly; and that there is an illegal vote-changing scheme in U.S. politics that members of both parties have participated in.

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Powell did not respond to a request for comment.

Sources close to the president previously told the Washington Examiner that neither the White House nor the Trump campaign have seen proof Powell claims to have related to assertions about voting machines switching millions of votes. The Trump campaign distanced itself from her in November as she continued to promote the claims.

Earlier this week, Dominion Voting Systems CEO John Poulos testified under oath in Michigan regarding a “severely flawed” report from a “biased” group that alleged Dominion machines to be “intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.”

Days before Dominion Voting Systems sent a letter to Powell demanding a retraction, Smartmatic, another election technology company that has faced similar allegations from her and others who support President Trump, sent a letter making the same request to Fox News, Newsmax, and One America News Network.



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