• September 21, 2024

Feds Considered Pursuing Criminal Charges Against Portland Officials For Allowing Riots To Grow Out Of Control

 Feds Considered Pursuing Criminal Charges Against Portland Officials For Allowing Riots To Grow Out Of Control

The Federal Department Of Justice looked at the possibility of charging Portland area “leaders” with crimes related to the 100+ days of perpetual riots and other unrest. Some elected officials, such as city councilpersons-of-unspecified-gender Chloe Eudaly and Jo Ann Hardesty openly encouraged the “protesters,” while others, such as vichy “mayor” Ted Wheeler and “governor” Kate Brown simply turned a blind eye to the the violence and instead tried to blame strawmen “white supremacists” for causing the chaos. Then you have Multnomah county District Attorney Mike Schmidt, who announced that he would drop charges on most of the rioters. Don’t forget high ranking police commanders, such as Deputy Chief Chris Davis, who have assisted the rioters by ordering officers to shut down freeways to cede the areas to the terrorists. This is conjunction with apparent long standing orders for police to stand down as the terrorists do their rioting.

Courthouse News reports:

The Department of Justice considered federal charges for city of Portland officials over their response to ongoing protests against police brutality, and over the city’s refusal to allow local police to communicate directly with federal agents deployed there.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler responded Thursday to reports that the U.S. Department of Justice looked into charging Portland officials over their response to ongoing protests against systemic racism, and explored the idea that local officials’ actions and public statements may have stirred up continued protests.

“This is ridiculous on its face,” Wheeler said in a statement. “It is more grandstanding by a President seeking to intimidate anyone who calls out his divisive agenda.

President Donald Trump has repeatedly ridiculed Wheeler on his handling of ongoing protests, and Wheeler has consistently taken Trump’s invitation into public fights. In one such instance, Wheeler struck out at Trump in an Aug. 30 press conference that was streamed live on CNN.

“Do you seriously wonder, Mr. President, why this is the first time in decades that America has seen this level of violence?” Wheeler asked. “It’s you who have created the hate and the division. And now you want me to stop the violence that you helped create. What America needs is for you to be stopped so that Americans can come together.”

Trump immediately tweeted at Wheeler — a

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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