• September 28, 2024

From Oregon to the Washington DC Gulag: 65-Year-Old Army Veteran and J6 Political Prisoner Reed Christensen Had Home Raided by FBI After He Was Blinded by Pepper Spray and Bumped into Police Officer on Jan.6 – Please Help Reed Below

 From Oregon to the Washington DC Gulag: 65-Year-Old Army Veteran and J6 Political Prisoner Reed Christensen Had Home Raided by FBI After He Was Blinded by Pepper Spray and Bumped into Police Officer on Jan.6 – Please Help Reed Below

From Oregon to the Washington DC Gulag: 65-Year-Old Army Veteran J6 Political Prisoner Reed Christensen, “This Place Holds the Men Who Stood Up for America When it was Stabbed in the Heart and its So Called Leaders Did Nothing”

Reed K. Christensen

In September 2023, Army Veteran Reed K. Christensen was found guilty on eight charges, including four felonies and four misdemeanor offenses, after attending the January 6 rally.

The 65-year-old Christensen, who was pepper sprayed by Capitol Police, was found guilty of assault for bumping into a police officer while blinded.

In April of 2021, his home was raided by over a dozen FBI agents for the crimes of walking on the grass and trying to get past the guards to wave the flag on the steps of the U.S. Capitol.

Chris Wray’s FBI raid Army Veteran Reed Christensen’s home. Image: Courtesy of Reed K. Christensen

His sentencing is set for December 15th.

Christensen recently wrote to The Gateway Pundit to share his story:

Wednesday the 4th of October, 2023 was a red letter day in the Washington DC jail block that houses the prisoners being held for Jan 6. Scooter, one of the orderlies, knocked at my cell door during the afternoon lockup. The guard unlocked my door and Scooter entered with a big grin asking if I wanted to use some nail clippers. “Hallelujah!” I yelled and rose up off my bunk. I had only been two weeks in the DC gulag and already my nails were way too long. I am 65 years old, and the younger men here had patiently explained that you simply chew your nails and then grind them down on the cement blocks of your cell. I was pretty sure this would not work for me as my teeth were too dull to even open the condiment packets that come in each meal.

**Visit Save the Kid to help Reed.**

The lack of nail clippers, no access to the barber, banning of razors, and denial of church attendance had been on the list of grievances from the Jan 6 block for months. It remains to be seen if the nail clippers ever return, but the men who have been here 20-30 months tell me that conditions in the gulag have greatly

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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