• September 22, 2024

It’s Time for the US and World to Address China’s Actions that Led to the China Coronavirus Global Pandemic

 It’s Time for the US and World to Address China’s Actions that Led to the China Coronavirus Global Pandemic

We reported over the past two years how China’s economy was collapsing. You could feel it and there were many signs of China’s pending economic collapse.

The BBC reported in January that official China figures are out and the news is scary:

China’s economy grew last year at the slowest pace in almost three decades.

Official figures show that the world’s second largest economy expanded by 6.1% in 2019 from the year before – the worst figure in 29 years.

The country has faced weak domestic demand and the impact of the bitter trade war with the US.

The government has been rolling out measures over the past two years in an attempt to boost growth.

It comes after almost two years of trade tensions with the US – although hopes of a better relationship with America have seen improvements in manufacturing and business confidence data.

We’ve reported for months that President Trump had the US in the position that it could only win in a deal with China and this was the case. The US economy was on fire – more Americans were working than ever before, unemployment was at 50 year lows, wages were way up and the stock market was at record highs. But China was moving in the opposite direction.

The problem for China was that its economy is what helped the regime stay in power and it was collapsing. China needed a deal with the US.  China had spent millions in deals around the world and it had overbuilt at home. Then President Trump came and slowly moved business from China to other countries through various actions including tariffs.

China was no longer the leader of the world. It’s GDP was reduced to almost half of that of the US and it was in real economic trouble.

As we reported in a post in August 2019, President Trump recognized that China was in an all out war with the US in regards to information and economics. For years Western leaders did nothing but negotiate into weak positions, never standing up to the Communist Chinese regime. Former US Presidents treated China like they did Russia 50 years ago, as their superior, always giving them what they wanted and never standing up to their abuse and criminal acts.

President Trump knew that China needed the US but the US didn’t need China. President Trump preached manufacturing in the USA and trade deals that made sense.

We ultimately came to the conclusion in April that based on its economic stress, China may have dropped the Coronavirus bomb on the world intentionally.

With Its Economy Collapsing, In An ACT OF ECONOMIC WAR,

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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