• September 7, 2024

Katie Hobbs Signs Executive Order Restricting Arizona Abortion Prosecutions, Banning Investigation and Extradition of Doctors Wanted in Other States – Establishes a Council to Expand Access to Abortion

 Katie Hobbs Signs Executive Order Restricting Arizona Abortion Prosecutions, Banning Investigation and Extradition of Doctors Wanted in Other States – Establishes a Council to Expand Access to Abortion

Katie Hobbs signed a new Executive Order Friday that will delegate abortion-related prosecution to Attorney General Kris Mayes, who previously vowed not to enforce any current Arizona abortion laws if she is elected. 

It will also restrict state agencies from assisting in other state investigations, ban extraditions of doctors wanted in other states, and establish a council to expand access to abortion.

This will essentially render Arizona’s current abortion law null and void. Kris Mayes has said she would not enforce Arizona’s abortion laws.

The Gateway Pundit reported in September 2022 that a Judge ruled that Arizona can enforce its ban on abortion following the Supreme Court’s ruling on Roe v. Wade. This law made abortion legal if the mother’s life was at risk. Doctors who perform abortions on a healthy woman would be “punished by imprisonment in the state prison for not less than two years nor more than five years” under the pre-Roe law. However, The Arizona Court of Appeals later overturned this ruling and ruled that Arizona could impose a more recent law banning abortion after 15 weeks.

Katie Hobbs and Kris Mayes are pro-abortion, pro-infanticide radicals.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Hobbs vetoed Senator Janae Shamp’s SB1600, which would require doctors to care for an infant that is born alive and entitle them to be treated as a legal person under Arizona law.

As a legislator, Hobbs voted against similar legislation requiring doctors to maintain a baby’s life if they survive an abortion. Further, she voted against abortion limitations every chance she was given as a State Legislator.

Before stealing the election for Governor, Hobbs refused to say whether or not she supported radical abortion policies like “no limits” on abortion in a CNN interview. This is why she did not debate Kari Lake. She could not let the voters see her real agenda.

Kari Lake repeatedly told voters that Hobbs “supports abortion right up until birth and after birth. She supports that if a baby survives a botched abortion that the baby dies on a cold metal tray,” and she was right.

Hobbs delivered the following press release this morning:


June 23, 2023


Source: The Gateway Pundit

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