• September 28, 2024

Missouri Health Department Board Member Censured After Opposing Experimental Vaccine Coercion And Mask Mandates

 Missouri Health Department Board Member Censured After Opposing Experimental Vaccine Coercion And Mask Mandates

The war against mass covid-19 vaccination is reaching a boiling point nationwide.

Health officials who dare to take a stand against institutional vaccine coercion and mask compliance are threatened with intimidation and termination of their jobs.


Suzie Davis was the only member to vote against bringing the vaccine into Jefferson County.  She vehemently repudiated the council’s plan to vaccinate 70 percent of the county’s residents with a vaccination education campaign.

A member of the Jefferson County Health Department Board of Trustees, Suzie was censured and faces impeachment for attempting to stop the county’s enforcement of tyrannical mask and vaccine mandates.

For months, Davis has adamantly pushed back against her colleagues’ decision to extend the county’s mask requirement.

On Tuesday, the Jefferson County Health Department Board of Trustees held a special meeting to get Davis in line. But Davis, the sole member of the board at the indoor meeting without a mask, doubled down on her stance against mask mandates and vaccine coercion.

“The mask is not helping the community achieve the herd immunity that stops the virus. The virus will stop if you allow that,” she argued. “I’m representing the people who have chosen not to get the jab, they have not chosen to because they know it’s an experiment thing and they don’t want to participate in that,” she said. “And their rights to their own immunities should be honored and respected

Masks requirements effectively limit the spread of Covid and allow people “to be able to have more freedom, to be able to move around, rather than to go back toward having to restrict movement,” Jefferson County Health Department director Kelley Vollmar interjected.

Board member Timothy Pigg railed against Davis during the meeting, charging her with undermining the health department and exploiting her position to promote a political agenda.

“You don’t care about people’s health. You care about one thing. You’re trying to drive something here that doesn’t even exist. You’re bringing partisan politics up from the United States Supreme Court and all these congresspeople and you’re bringing it down to this level,” he rebuked. “We’re here for the health and betterment of the people, not any of this Second Amendment, this amendment that. That’s not our purview.”

Following the heated exchange, the board made clear that refusal to comply with the department’s covid protocols will not be tolerated, drafted a resolution and censured Davis.


Source: The Gateway Pundit

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