• September 23, 2024

Nevada: Trump Campaign Says Clark County Registrar Joe Gloria Hiding From Subpoena Service

 Nevada: Trump Campaign Says Clark County Registrar Joe Gloria Hiding From Subpoena Service

Clark County, Nevada Registrar Joe Gloria is hiding from service of a subpoena by the Trump campaign, according to a post by a columnist for the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

Joe Gloria speaks about the election, November 4, screen image via 8 News Now/YouTube

Victor Joecks wrote on Twitter Monday night, “.@realDonaldTrump’s campaign tells me they’ve been trying to serve Clark County Registrar Joe Gloria with a subpoena since Wednesday. County workers locked the building to keep them out and then Gloria hid in his house all weekend. What are Gloria and Clark County hiding?”

@realDonaldTrump’s campaign tells me they’ve been trying to serve Clark County Registrar Joe Gloria with a subpoena since Wednesday.

County workers locked the building to keep them out and then Gloria hid in his house all weekend.

What are Gloria and Clark County hiding?

— Victor Joecks (@VictorJoecks) December 1, 2020

Nevada Trump campaign official and former state attorney general Adam Paul Laxalt wrote in a Review-Journal op-ed two weeks ago about irregularities by Gloria in the recent election:

…”In Clark County, registrar Joe Gloria used a new machine to verity signatures for mail-in ballots. He inexplicably and unilaterally lowered the signature-matching accuracy standard on this machine used to count ballots to 40 percent — well below the manufacturer’s recommended setting. AI and computer-vision experts have said that once the factory setting on the machine is altered, it takes months of effort from a massive team with the appropriate expertise to get it back to a reliable standard.

There are more than 600,000 mail-ballot signatures statewide, roughly 200,000 of which have gone through this machine in Clark County. Under this system, an unbelievable 99 percent of Clark County ballots have been counted as accurate, with no opportunity for any signatures to be challenged once verified.

Additionally, the county refused to allow any meaningful observation of signature verification. We simply don’t know how many of these signatures are bad and thus how many improper votes were counted.

We now know that there are thousands of illegal votes consisting of a combination of dead voters, out-of-state voters, double voters (those who cast ballots in

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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