• October 18, 2024

Nikki Haley: ‘Every American Should Watch This’ Comey Video; ‘It Will Send a Chill Up Your Spine’

 Nikki Haley: ‘Every American Should Watch This’ Comey Video; ‘It Will Send a Chill Up Your Spine’

. By Craig Bannister | December 16, 2019

Nikki Haley (Getty Images/Olivier Douliery/AFP)“Every American” should watch Former FBI Director James Comey’s interview on “Fox News Sunday,” former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley says.

“It will send a chill up your spine,” Haley tweeted Sunday, embedding video of the interview, quoting an admission by Comey regarding the handling of four FISA warrant applications on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page:

“Every American should watch this interview. It will send a chill up your spine. Regardless of party, this should worry everyone as to the errors that were made. ‘Gross Negligence and Intentionality’ ‘Bad Faith’ ‘I was wrong’”

Nikki Haley @NikkiHaley

Every American should watch this interview. It will send a chill up your spine. Regardless of party, this should worry everyone as to the errors that were made.
“Gross Negligence and Intentionality” “Bad Faith” “I was wrong”https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1yfXxeJn3Tc …

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As CNSNews.com reports, Comey told Fox Host Chris Wallace that he (Comey) was wrong and Inspector General Michael Horowitz was right in assessing the way the case was handled:

Comey previously insisted that the FBI followed the FISA process correctly and that the case of Carter Page was handled in a “thoughtful and responsible way” by both the FBI and the Justice Department.

Wallace reminded him of the 17 “inaccuracies and omissions” identified by Horowitz:

“He’s right, I was wrong,” Comey admitted.

Source…   https://cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannister/nikki-haley-every-american-should-watch-comey-video-it-will-send-chill-you

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