• September 28, 2024

Ohio: Muslim migrants invite more migrants to Cincinnati, 50 live in one house

 Ohio: Muslim migrants invite more migrants to Cincinnati, 50 live in one house

Mauritanian Migrants JOE GUEST, He let them al in for votes and put Americans in HARMS WAY!


Opposing the swarm of illegals into Western countries is a duty of citizens who care about the future of their countries, yet globalist governments are encouraging the migration. The case below of Oumar Ball, a Mauritania man — an 86.3% Muslim country — who is facilitating “the flood of illegals” into Cincinnati is just one such case. Chances are that there are many such similar cases, even outside of Cincinnati.

Despite Oumar Ball’s actions, even he says “the federal government is just letting too many people come to the U.S. all at once.” It’s an obvious statement that anyone should be able to see. Everyone should also be able to understand that consequences will be seen and felt down the road. Leftists continue to push open-door immigration policies. Note how the article below starts: “The Washington Post is celebrating a man from the African country of Mauritania who is helping more poor Muslim migrants crowd into Cincinnati apartments and houses.”

What is there to celebrate? Helping people is one thing, but not at the expense of others. Many Americans are cash strapped as it is. Yet the Associated Press reported last year that thousands more Mauritanians were “making their way to the US, thanks to a route spread on social media,” through Nicaragua. And who is paying their bill? Mostly American taxpayers:

A lot of the money comes from the American taxpayer.

At every stage of a migrant’s journey, U.S. tax money smooths the way for people planning to enter and live in the United States illegally.

Start with the United Nations. The United States gave all the U.N. agencies $18 billion in 2022, representing about one-third of the total budget. The U.N. does many different things with that money, but one thing is to help wannabe border-jumpers actually make it to the border.

At a recent press conference, the Leftist Ohio Immigrant Alliance called on members of Congress to bring deported family members “back home to the United States,” despite the fact that the US is not their “home.” Among the attendees advocating for the return of deported family members is a woman named Wafaa Hamdi, who addressed  the crowd. Her sister, Tina Hamdi, was deported in 2017 to Morocco “after serving a drug-related sentence.” Such immigrants believe that it is their right to live in America, not a privilege.

According to the Heritage Foundation, “the Biden Administration wants even more money to distribute illegal aliens throughout the United States.”

If Western citizens want their countries to turn into the very horror that illegals are running from, that is exactly what is slowly happening as they keep supporting globalist regimes.

“Migrants Invite More Migrants to Cincinnati: 50 People in One House,” by Warner Todd Huston, Breitbart, June 11, 2024:

The Washington Post is celebrating a man from the African country of Mauritania who is helping more poor Muslim migrants crowd into Cincinnati apartments and houses, straining the town’s resources and apparently breaking occupancy laws.

Even this man, who is working to facilitate the flood of illegals into the U.S., says that the federal government is just letting too many people come to the U.S. all at once.

Oumar Ball, a man native to the small majority Muslim West African country of Mauritania, arrived in Cincinnati in 2000. By 2010, he had become a U.S. citizen. Now, he is working to settle as many of his fellow Muslims in Cincinnati’s Mount Airy neighborhood as he can. However, he has often encountered a problem in the Queen City: housing.

The city does not have a shelter system, and there is no “right to shelter” like there is in Massachusetts and New York. So, Ball has struggled to find places for his migrant friends to stay. The housing issue has caused him to stockpile them illegally in tiny apartments and homes of volunteers, including his own.

“It’s not uncommon to find apartments with 10 or 14 people in a two-bedroom apartment,” said fellow Cincinnati Mauritania activist Ousmane Sow. “And it’s all because none of us want to see Mauritanians out in the streets.”

The problem is growing, too. Doug Wehmeyer, the administrator and fire chief in Lockland, says that the number of migrants from Mauritania has doubled to 3,000….

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