• September 28, 2024

Report: Raffensperger Launches Intimidation Campaign Against Election Whistleblowers in Georgia

 Report: Raffensperger Launches Intimidation Campaign Against Election Whistleblowers in Georgia

CD Media published an explosive report on Friday regarding the 2020 election and thug tactics by Secreatary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office.

According to CD Media Raffensperger is sending out investigator Paul Braun to harass the witnesse to fraud in the 2020 election.

Several of the top witnesses against the state election were visited by Braun and harassed to change their sworn testimony.

Georgia radio host John Fredericks made a similar accusation just weeks ago.

Radio Host John Fredericks: Raffensperger’s Office Tried to Intimidate Election Witness to Recant Her Statement on Alleged Fraudulent Ballots (VIDEO)

It appears this witness was not alone.
Raffensperger is working to pressure several of the top election whistleblowers.

Via CD Media:

SOS Investigator Paul Braun has contacted virtually all the key affiants in the Fulton County ballot inspection case and attempted to interview them. However, they contend that he did not seem interested in finding potential fraud but was more interested in investigating them. Some examples follow.


Susan Voyles, a veteran poll manager and auditor, swore she saw mail-in ballots that were not folded for mailing, were not marked with a writing instrument, were on questionable paper stock and were voted the exact same way in all down-ballot races. She states that the number of these potentially counterfeit ballots could scale into the tens of thousands. She has explained repeatedly that she was contacted by Braun who asked her to come in for an interview in January. When she got there Braun tried to get information about specific suspect batches that were already named in her affidavit and he pressed her to change her story. Later the IG office falsely claimed that Voyles recanted her affidavit. That was a blatant lie as Voyles has consistently stated the same account of events for nearly eight months.

Barbara Hartman, another senior poll manager and auditor who signed a sworn affidavit corroborating Voyles‘ affidavit, was contacted by Braun and interviewed for over an hour. When she asked what was the purpose of his investigation, Braun told her he “…was only collecting information but he does not know what the office will do with it.” Hartman confirmed that Braun contacted her again this week trying to obtain photographs of suspect ballots. Ironically, this newfound interest in potential election fraud comes over six months after the election was certified.

Scott Hall and his wife were audit monitors at the Fulton hand count audit. He signed a sworn affidavit corroborating Voyles and Hartman’s affidavits. His wife also signed an affidavit that she observed suspect ballot boxes marked almost

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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