• July 26, 2024

Turn The Page or Lose Your Children to Indoctrination

 Turn The Page or Lose Your Children to Indoctrination

Turn The Page or Lose Your Children to Indoctrination

The education system is supposed to engage children to open their minds and expand their knowledge. Unfortunately, the “system” is one of indoctrination rather than education. Schools all across the country, and the world for that matter, have been teaching children social and political agendas to raise them with beliefs that are unfounded, oftentimes fear mongering and completely distorted from truth, while breaking down the family unit. Books that once contained a moral lesson in 16 out of 25 pages from 1810 have decreased to less than one page out of 25 in 1950. It’s tragic, and it’s not going to stop until parents pay attention, create change, and turn the page.

Turn The Page Before Your Children Have Nightmares & False Perceptions

In a charter school fifteen miles outside of Denver, Colorado, a young boy has suffered sleepless nights and nightmares because of books he’s read in school. His mother Meleah Rubio, took it upon herself to volunteer at the school’s library, and quickly discovered the shelves were filled with horror, witchcraft, sorcery, and monsters under the bed.

Meleah’s son’s first experience began with the ‘Magic Tree House’ in first grade. Her son wanted to read the one with a sea serpent, which immediately led to sleepless nights. Shortly thereafter, she was having to check under his bed for monsters every night, but it wasn’t related to the sea serpent. It wasn’t until a year later that Meleah found out that his teacher had been reading ‘I Need My Monster’ in the classroom, which is about monsters under a child’s bed. What a fantastic idea, right? Reading about monsters under a child’s bed to six and seven-year-olds? Her son hadn’t told her about the book because he thought she would be upset with his teacher. This infuriated Meleah, because her child was covering for the teacher, while the teacher wasn’t sharing this information with the parents. That is precisely

how indoctrination is carried out.

In second grade, her son had suddenly become afraid of the dark, and she couldn’t figure out why, until she discovered that the children were allowed to read books that were available in the classroom. She noticed the book title ‘Gremlins Don’t Chew Bubblegum’ on one of his quizzes. When she asked her son about the book, he informed her that they have the Bailey School Kids series available in the classroom, with titles about zombies, vampires and Dracula.

About a week later, Meleah discovered the book called ‘Secrets of Dripping Fang – Please Don’t Eat the Children,’ in the school library. An 8-book series about two twins with the last name Shluffmuffin, who nobody wants to adopt, and their horrifying adventures through the Dripping Fang Forest. The books indicate they are for grades 2 to 5, so ages 7 to 11. Meleah read through the eighth and final book in the series, titled ‘When Bad Snakes Attack Good Children,’ to find that it talks about mutant children, a dead FBI agent, human slaves, and giant ants that were planning to assassinate two 10-year-olds while taking over the world. The cover of book seven, as seen here, reveals a giant with spiked teeth, fashioned in an apron with butcher knives, about to devour children. Now imagine the mind of a seven-year-old absorbing all of this information. Meleah took it upon herself to meet with the principal about several books she had discovered and shared her son’s experiences. His response was, “there is nothing we can do about those books.” She also contacted the Superintendent of Schools twice and received no response. She has no intentions of giving up this fight to get these mind manipulating terror books removed.

Not only did Meleah volunteer at the library, she also reviewed the curriculum, met with teachers each step of the way if she noticed something out of character with her son, requested he not read specific books, read many of the books herself, and had conversations with her son. Yet, despite all of these efforts, there were still some books that snuck by because the school minimizes the information provided to the parents. This is why it’s so important to stay on top of it.

Meleah suggests that books should have a rating system, just as other forms of the entertainment industry. Her concern, and it’s a very valid concern, is that many of the books being made available to young children are packed full of violence and horror, promoting fear in their minds. Of course, instilling fear at the young age of six is ideal for carrying out their indoctrination programs. That’s exactly where they want their young, vulnerable minds.

If one just does a quick search for “scary children’s books” you will be amazed at what you come across. One such example is ‘In a Dark, Dark Room and Other Scary Stories,’ which is a collection of horror stories, poems and urban legends retold for children by Alvin Schwartz and illustrator Dirk Zimmer. It was published as part of the I Can Read! series in 1984. Note that it indicates the reading level is for six to nine-year-olds, and this was published back in the 80s.

The foreword reads, “Most of us like scary stories because we like feeling scared. When there is no real danger, feeling scared is fun. The best time for these stories is at night – in front of a fire or in the dark. Tell them s-l-o-w-l-y and quietly, and everyone will have a good time.”

Sure, we can all think back to when we were children, and reminisce about the scary ghost stories or scary movies we watched, and it seemed harmless at the time. But was it? What else were we reading about? Loss, death, families torn apart, sad stories, parentless children, and who could forget Old Yeller? That’s certainly one way to push the Rabies vaccine. They decided

to double down on that in the 80s when they came out with ‘Cujo.’ The bottom line is that we were all part of the indoctrination system. Did you have anxiety as a child? How about when you grew up? Can you see how all of those stories helped to shape your thought processes? Do you see the danger in it?

Turn The Page and Take Note of What Your Children Are Reading in School

At one public school in the Midwest, they are playing CNN10 once a week for fifth graders, to teach them about the climate, politics, and other topics as CNN wishes to portray them. Meanwhile, at another Midwest public school, junior high schoolers were reading a disturbing book they were instructed to read, until a mother stepped in and put a stop to it.

One day, one of the teachers asked her hairdresser, the mother of one of her students, if she had read the book that was given to her son for summer reading. She went on to tell her that she should immediately get herself a copy, review the entire book, draw her own conclusions, act on those conclusions, and never mention their conversation. In other words… the teachers weren’t going to fight this battle, but all believed this book to be incredibly inappropriate for children.

Concerned, she whisked off to the store and purchased the book ‘And The Mountains Echoed.’ The book promotes itself to be about “a tale revolving around not just parents and children but brothers and sisters, cousins and caretakers, Hosseini explores the many ways in which families nurture, wound, betray, honor, and sacrifice for one another; and how often we are surprised by the actions of those closest to us, at the times that matter most.” Surprised indeed, because what she proceeded to read began with two sisters, one pretty and thin, the other ugly and fat, and how the pretty one wanted to murder the ugly one. Both sisters concluded that her life wasn’t valuable, after a fall had left her paralyzed, and when the pretty sister left the ugly one in the dessert to die, the sun rising was a sign from God that she had made the right choice.

The story went on to share other relationships as well, such as a daughter and mother both dating the same man, a homosexual trying to convince a young man that he too should be homosexual even though he didn’t feel that way, as well as other concerning tales this book wove throughout.

She was furious. She called the head of secondary education curriculum, who went on to avoid her for eight long weeks. She contacted the American Academy of Pediatrics to gather evidence of the emotional and psychological impact this book might have on young children. She dashed off to local libraries to see how they cataloged this book. It most certainly was not in the Juvenile section – it was in the adult section. She wrote up her evidence, along with her disgust, and blasted it out to the school board and all of the parents. The school received 250 calls from upset parents that day. The head of secondary education curriculum contacted her, upset that she had not discussed this with him first. She said, “I did – 8 long weeks ago. You never got back to me.” The book has officially been removed from the curriculum.

Turn The Page and Read What Your Children Are Being Asked to Write About in School

At a charter school located in the Southwest, an 11-year-old boy sat patiently while the teacher played a propaganda video of 16-year-old Greta Thunberg’s UN climate action summit speech. It made headlines, because they propped it up to fuel their agenda. The fear mongering in Greta’s rehearsed speech, likely written by her handlers, included:

“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. We are the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth – how dare you!”

After the teacher concluded the video, she went on to rave about Greta while passing out a “suggested” list of people to be admired, that the children could choose from to write about. Of course, they didn’t have to choose from the list, but being as their young minds were just manipulated into believing the world is coming to an end because Greta said so, and Greta’s name was at the top of the list, nearly every child in the classroom chose Greta to write about. Only two children chose someone else on the list. And only one child chose someone who wasn’t on the list at all – he chose CJ Pearson. This is a perfect example of how seeding and manipulating minds works. Emma Gonzalez, the gun control activist from the Parkland School shooting in Florida also made the list.

Have a conversation with your child and ask them what they know and how they feel about climate change. No matter where you stand with it, isn’t it important that your child can discuss all possibilities with an open mind, because they are only getting one side of the story in school. And, that is the case on many fronts.

Keep Turning The Page

It is so important to stay on top of what your children are reading, learning, and watching in school, beginning with Kindergarten. Maybe one day they will have a rating system for books, or perhaps they will install live stream video so that parents can oversee exactly what their children are being taught. Highly unlikely on the latter, but it’s become necessary in this day and age. So how can you stay on top of it and what options do you have?

• Meet with your child’s teachers and get a list of the curriculum

• Ask about ALL books that are available in the classroom and find out what books will be read in the classroom that may not be listed on the curriculum

• Ask about any television programs and/or videos that will be played for the children

• Volunteer at the school library

• Attend school board meetings or join your PTA

• Pay close attention to the school’s website for all information they list

• See if there are any community pages on social media, or websites where parents can keep each other informed

• Have conversations with your child about what they are learning, reading, listening to, and watching. How do they feel about it all? Are they having fears, concerns, or confusion? There is a high probability on all counts, being as anxiety has been on the rise in children 3-17 years of age, for quite some time now.

• If available to you, consider homeschooling. There are over 2.3 million students being homeschooled in the United States as of 2016. It is growing at an estimated rate of 2% to 8% per annum just over the past few years, and it’s growing around the world as well. Home-educated students typically score above average on the SAT and ACT tests as well as 15 to 30 percentile points above public school students on standardized academic achievement tests. This is all regardless of the parents’ level of formal education. The home-educated also typically rank above average on social, emotional, and psychological development.

In conclusion, this is an excellent short video by Jenny Phillips, the founder and owner of The Good and The Beautiful, covering the historical changes in literature over the past century, and should be viewed by all parents. Books that once contained a moral lesson in 16 out of 25 pages in books from 1810 have decreased to less than one page out of 25 in 1950. Books today intentionally portray dysfunctional families in an attempt to break down the family unit, they instill fear, and promote children being disrespectful. All of this strongly seeds the minds of young children, shapes their character, and moral values. What may appear to be harmless, are the very things that are shaping their minds.

It’s time to turn the page.

Important update: Meleah met with the librarian and principal of her son’s school again today, and they have agreed to remove the series ‘Secrets of Dripping Fang’ from the school library! THIS is what parents can achieve when being persistent. Way to go Meleah!


Corey Lynn is an investigative journalist. Support her by becoming a Patron. Follow her at coreysdigs.com and on twitter: @coreysdigs

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Corey Lynn