• September 7, 2024

Wow! Last Week the “Experts” Admitted Lockdowns Did Not Reduce Mortality Rates — NOW They Admit Masking Was Mostly Worthless

Trust the “Science.”

Last week Johns Hopkins revealed Dr. Fauci’s “ill-founded” lockdowns were entirely ineffective reducing US mortality rates by only 0.2%

Another Fauci Failure: Johns Hopkins Study Finds Fauci’s “Ill-Founded” Lockdowns Only Reduced Mortality Rates by 0.2%

Now we find out the mask mandates didn’t make much of a difference during the pandemic.

We already knew this.

But the elites are finally admitting what we already knew.

Screaming Karens hurt the most.

Bloomberg reported:

Masks have been the most visible part of America’s pandemic response, but one of the least consequential. The fact that 500,000 people worldwide died during the omicron surge means it’s time to change tactics, and focus on what went wrong that led to so many hospitalizations and deaths…

…The benefits of universal masking have been difficult to quantify. One controlled study in Bangladesh showed a small but statistically significant benefit — among people who consistently used masks, 7.6% got symptomatic infections compared to 8.6% in the control group. Other studies have been inconclusive…

…The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota have laid out a more complex analysisGiven the current understanding that the virus is transmitted in fine aerosol particles, it’s likely an infectious dose could easily get through and around loose-fitting cloth or surgical masks.

For the record… The Gateway Pundit reported on this nearly a year ago.

Study Results: Facemasks are Ineffective to Block Transmission of COVID-19 and Actually Can Cause Health Deterioration and Premature Death

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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