• July 26, 2024

A disastrous night for AOC

 A disastrous night for AOC


Cummings For Congress

Last night was AOC’s Democratic Primary. Despite spending millions just to survive her own primary, 30% of Democrats REFUSED to vote for AOC!!

AOC has raised over $10 million from radical socialists and extreme leftist megadonors, and she still can’t unite her base. She’s going into the General Election with a fractured base of support.

If our campaign can peel off the 30% of voters who already dislike her in November we will defeat AOC!! There’s one problem, she’s sitting on a warchest of $4.5 million, and now she’ll spend every dime to win them back.

We have just 6 days to raise $40,000 from 1,000 donors before our End of Quarter Fundraising deadline. If we reach our goal, we’ll show the liberal media AOC is in real danger. Will you step up and help us reach our end of quarter deadline by donating $10, $15, $50 or even more right away?

I’m a retired NYPD Cop and high school civics teacher who lives in this district. Every day I meet voters who are furious with the devastation caused by AOC’s radical socialist agenda. But because of AOC’s iron grip on the local media, no one is listening to their pleas for help.

Your immediate END-OF-QUARTER CONTRIBUTION will give our campaign to defeat AOC the tools we need to win over the voters we need to defeat AOC and return a Conservative majority to Congress!

AOC’s an incredibly weak candidate propped up by online radicals and a friendly liberal media. Because of your End-of-Quarter donation, we’ll show the nation just how weak AOC really is.


John Cummings
John Cummings
Republican for Congress

P.S. AOC and her Police-hating cronies are going to spend millions attacking me and my supporters. Send AOC a message that her anti-cop bigotry won’t be tolerated by making a max out donation of $2,800 or however much you can give.

Paid for by Cummings for Congress

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