• July 26, 2024

A Library for Redpilling: Volume 6

 A Library for Redpilling: Volume 6

Below is a library catalog with direct links to Corey’s Digs investigative reports and videos that break the reports into categories, as well as fantastic resources and tools for researching and fact checking! This catalog is updated twice a year and is available in pdf downloaded for free in The Bookshop, where dozens of investigative reports are also available for download.

Be sure to check out the newly added solutions category, because there are many ways to combat the tyranny, build around the system, and protect yourselves and your community. We must come together and support one another to stand strong against those who wish to enslave us, and create a better future together.

Also be sure to check out the new Covid Resources page where you will find legal and medical assistance, forms and letters, critical information, and job boards for those seeking jobs without all the mandates!

The Library Catalog

Most of my reports include extensive timelines, some with maps, players involved, money flow, and how it all connects. I expose the nests, webs, and operations in a comprehensive but easy-to-follow format, and link to all evidence. These are not typical articles – they are dissections, thoughRead More

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