• July 26, 2024

Connecticut City Rejects 5G Plan: “Test Case” for Opposing Nationwide

By The Sharp Edge In November of 2023, the Board of Representatives in Stamford, Connecticut voted against a plan to install 5G equipment in their city following presentations by experts on the dangers of radiofrequency (RF) radiation and government failures to protect the public. Of the city’s representatives, 21 voted to reject a proposed agreement […]Read More

Make Meat Great Again! Don’t Let The Globalists Pull This

It’s 2023, and most people are scurrying about their days making plans for the Holidays and figuring out whether to serve up a roast, a turkey or a ham. Meanwhile, over 70,000 clowns are toasting champagne at their 5 star hotels in Dubai while thinking they can tell people whether or not a roast, a […]Read More

Visa & Mastercard: The Real Threat To The Digital ID

By Corey Lynn and The Sharp Edge The question isn’t whether Visa and Mastercard are at the forefront of the Digital ID control system, the question is whether Visa, Mastercard and central banks will be able to pull it off without the implementation of CBDCs. A “Digital ID” may sound convenient and harmless, but the […]Read More

COVERUP: As Secret Chinese Biolab in California Posed National Security

By The Sharp Edge A recent investigation conducted by the House Select Committee on the CCP uncovered new details about a secret Chinese biolab containing dangerous pathogens that operated in Reedley, California.  Disturbing new details exposed by this investigation include: the ability of the lab operator – who was a wanted fugitive – to acquire […]Read More

TAKE ACTION: Steps to Secure Financial Freedom

By The Sharp Edge From the looming financial crisis to the threat of global war, not to mention the potential release of ‘Disease X,’ or the weaponization of governments against the people as we head into elections… this year has promised to be a wild ride. The relentless attacks on our sovereignty are coming from […]Read More

Support J6ers: New Video Footage Released

By The Sharp Edge Newly released footage offers transparency to the January 6th deception. For nearly three years, the DC establishment uniparty has perpetuated the lie that the January 6th protest was an “insurrection,” by carefully controlling the information disseminated to the public about the events that transpired on that fateful day and repressing dissent […]Read More

Making a Positive Impact without Knowing They Are Making an

Most people who follow Corey’s Digs investigative reports are aware that there is a spiritual battle going on, in addition to multi-faceted agendas impacting our physical lives and livelihoods. And whereas all of us would very much like to witness the awakening of billions of people to this dark force, in an effort to better […]Read More

I’ve Waited A Long Time For This…

I’ve waited a long time for this. Pulling myself out of the quicksand has been more difficult than I ever imagined it would be. I knew that if I followed this calling it would be heavy, dark, and intense, but I also knew that it had to be done before the “soul” and “energy” could […]Read More

Smart Cities Plan: Collapse & Convert Commercial Properties into Housing

By The Sharp Edge The globalists never let a good crisis go to waste, especially the ones they’ve manufactured. In the aftermath of government-imposed Covid lockdowns of small businesses deemed to be “non-essential,” BLM riots that torched countless mom-and-pop shops, the decriminalization of theft that emptied shelves in stores across America, plus skyrocketing inflation and […]Read More

Angel Stories: Powerful Experiences That Changed Lives

In a world where things often feel defeating during this spiritual battle, I wanted to share powerful experiences that lift people up, strengthen their faith, and show that we are never alone and love is the key to winning this battle. I put out a request for people to submit short stories to me, sharing […]Read More