• July 26, 2024

AG Bill Barr: ‘The American People Are Being Told a Lie by the Media’

 AG Bill Barr: ‘The American People Are Being Told a Lie by the Media’

Attorney General William Barr (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

By Susan Jones |Aug 10, 2020
Attorney General William Barr (Photo by Nicholas Kamm/AFP via Getty Images)Attorney General William Barr (Photo by Nicholas Kamm/AFP via Getty Images)

(CNSNews.com) – Attorney General William Barr says he’s “appalled” by the violence we’re seeing around the country, and he faulted the liberal media for lying to the American people.

Barr spoke to conservative talk show host Mark Levin, for Levin’s cable show, “Life, Liberty & Levin.”

It’s happening right out in the streets. Anyone with eyes can see what’s happening. They see the violence. They see these groups of agitators in their black outfits and their helmets and their shields which incidentally have the hammer and sickle on them most of the time. Rushing the police, causing violence, throwing rocks, people showing up with the rocks and with frozen bottles — that’s happening.

That’s happening in front of people. You don’t see it on any of the national news, you don’t see it on the networks, you don’t see it on the other cable stations. And yet, you hear about these peaceful demonstrators. So it’s a — yeah, it just — it’s a lie. The American people are being told a lie by the media.

Barr noted that the big media outlets are corporate-owned entities “that pretty much toe the party line.”

The reporting is all the same, right down to the words and phrases and talking points used. “It’s become extremely monolithic. And it’s wedded in many ways to the Democratic Party.  It’s a partisan press, largely.”

Barr said he knew the nation was in trouble when people started using the word “narrative.”

“The word ‘narrative’ really suggests that there is no objective truth. There’s no real story of what happened, it’s just everyone has their own “narrative.’ And you get to then, the press can justify presenting a story that doesn’t really correspond to objective truth. But, it’s our ‘narrative.’ We have a narrative, you have a narrative.”

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