• July 26, 2024

AOC & Boyfriend Offer ‘Tips’ To White People: ‘They Don’t Think That They’re Racist’

 AOC & Boyfriend Offer ‘Tips’ To White People: ‘They Don’t Think That They’re Racist’

Eric Scheiner , @schineman

If you are white and don’t understand how racist you really are, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D- NY) is here to offer some handy tips.

AOC and her boyfriend Riley Roberts hit Instagram Friday night in a video post created to help white people understand why they’re racist and help them combat racism.

It’s as pretentious as it sounds.

“Riley’s tips on combating racism as a White person,” the video text reads.

Helpful tip#1: “Talk to other white people.”

“I think it’s helpful and important to talk to other white people about racism, and I think a lot of people, they don’t want to be racist,” the insightful Roberts says.

“They don’t think that they’re racist, but they also don’t know some of the things they believe or say are and can be racist.”

According to the New York Post:

Their web chat didn’t offer much about what the couple defines as racist, or who gets to decide what is and is not racist. Roberts suggested telling racist white friends that they were not racist, but merely held “wrong” opinions.

RELATED: ‘Economics’ Degree? AOC MIXES Two Of 20th Century’s Biggest Economic Theorists, Creates: ‘Milton KEYNES’

 Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Racism white people

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