• September 14, 2024

AOC Says People Aren’t Eating at Chinese Restaurants Because of ‘Straight Up Racism’

 AOC Says People Aren’t Eating at Chinese Restaurants Because of ‘Straight Up Racism’

Brittany M. Hughes , @RealBrittHughes

In Episode 427 of the Progressive Left’s favorite show “Everything Is Racist,” N.Y. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez now says people aren’t eating at Chinese restaurants due to “straight up racism” over the Coronavirus.

“There’s a lot of restaurants that are feeling the pain of racism,” AOC alleged in a video uploaded to social media.

“People are literally not patroning Chinese restaurants, they’re not patroning Asian restaurants because of just straight up racism around the Coronavirus,” she went on.

.@AOC: “People are literally not patroning Chinese restaurants, they’re not patroning Asian restaurants because of just straight up racism around the Coronavirus.” pic.twitter.com/2tTabQCIdW

— Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) March 11, 2020

The left has seized upon the opportunity to accuse the right of “racism” for pointing out that the Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China. Despite the fact that other illnesses have been named after their places of origin (Ebola, Lyme disease, SARS and MERS, for example), leftists have been quick to point fingers at the Trump administration and Republican politicians for dubbing the Coronavirus the “Wuhan virus,” saying the moniker is somehow discriminatory against the Chinese.

 Coronavirus AOC Ocasio-Cortez China

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