• December 2, 2024

Arizona SWAMP monsters feast on the Budweiser Virus Ca$h

 Arizona SWAMP monsters feast on the Budweiser Virus Ca$h

Ann Vandersteel – Investigator Reporter / Host

Steel Truth  Gov. Ducey sits on the board of TGen, a non profit that is producing test kits and researching v*ccin3s and many other NGOs and state and federal sources. Is it any wonder he wants to extend the shut down to continue testing and reaping the benefits? https://yournews.com/ann-vandersteel/ https://www.SteelTruth.com https://www.periscope.tv/thesteeltruth https://dlive.tv/SteelTruth https://www.facebook.com/TheSteelTruth https://wwwbrighteon.com/channels/stehttps://twitter.com/annvandersteel https://www.linkedin.com/in/annvander… (currently removed by LinkedIn and libeled “dangerous”) https://channelstore.roku.com/details… Patrick Howley https://twitter.com/HowleyReporter https://nationalfile.com/ https://nationalfile.com/arizona-govehttps://youtu.be/fzwQzqZQqew?t=2

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