• September 20, 2024


President Trump “Has Put His Boat In the Water For

Lots may be going on behind the scenes that very few are  aware of. Time will tell. We know the President put into place an Executive Order where he mandated that the DNI (Ratcliffe) provide a report of election interference in the 2020 election from foreign sources and then the Attorney General is mandated to […]Read More

JUST IN: President Trump Announces 26 New Christmas Pardons Including

Paul Manafort President Trump on Wednesday evening asserted his authority and announced 26 new Christmas pardons including ones to Paul Manafort and Roger Stone. Trump had previously only commuted Stone’s sentence. Trump’s 2016 campaign manager Paul Manafort was hunted down by Mueller’s goons after he helped President Trump win the 2016 election. Manafort was sentenced […]Read More

Woman Arrested For Sending Threats To Wayne County Republican Who

A woman in New Hampshire has been arrested on federal charges after communicating a series of threats to Monica Palmer, chair of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers, because Palmer had refused to certify the election for Biden in the wake of numerous accusations and proof of voter fraud. Threats included pictures of naked, mutilated […]Read More

Newt Gingrich Says He ‘Will Not Accept Joe Biden As

Millions of Americans do not accept the outcome of the 2020 election. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is one of them. The irregularities in voting, the flooding of the country with mail-in ballots, the pausing of vote counting in the middle of the night and more. When you put it all together, it’s just too […]Read More

Weissmann Lashes Out at Trump Over Manafort, Stone Pardons –

Andrew Weissmann President Trump on Wednesday evening asserted his authority and announced 26 new Christmas pardons including ones to Paul Manafort and Roger Stone. Trump’s 2016 campaign manager Paul Manafort was hunted down by Mueller’s goons after he helped President Trump win the 2016 election. Manafort was sentenced to 7 years in prison for tax […]Read More

Assange’s Fiancé: ‘If I Could Speak to the President, I

In a moving and heartfelt interview with Revolver News, Julian Assange’s fiancé explained that “Julian’s liberty and the liberty of the United States hang together.” During the interview, Stella Moris, the mother of Assange’s two young children, explained what she would say to President Trump, if she was given the opportunity to speak to him […]Read More

EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Think Tank’s Star Lawsuit Witness Admits to Tommy

Salacious hit pieces splashed across the internet on Tuesday evening against a US Congressional staffer who previously helped the Tommy Robinson campaign. The tabloid style articles from the UK’s Daily Mail and The Times claim that US congressional staffer Lisa Barbounis misappropriated funds from her former employer, the Middle East Forum, while she was assisting […]Read More

REPORT: So Many People Are Fleeing California They May Lose

The exodus out of California is real. People are fleeing the state in droves for greener pastures in Arizona, Texas and other low tax states. For years, many people were willing to put up with the high taxes in California but the COVID lockdowns, combined with Governor Gavin Newsom’s policies, are driving people away. For […]Read More