• September 22, 2024


Oh No! Democrats and Fake News Media Openly Fret Over

President Trump flies in to Montoursville, Pennsylvania rally on Saturday. It was his 4th rally in Pennsylvania today! Oh Goodness! Democrats are now OPENLY fretting over their chances in Pennsylvania The Washington Post broke the news today– Democrats are growing more anxious about Pennsylvania New via @WaPoSeanhttps://t.co/bDtigKAoOc — James Hohmann (@jameshohmann) October 31, 2020 Trafalgar […]Read More

TGP Photos: Eric Trump in Columbus, Ohio

Eric Trump appeared at a campaign event in Columbus, Ohio Wednesday night. Trump spoke to a packed room at the Boat House restaurant. TGP was there and took photos. Trump was introduced by a Democrat, Ohio state Rep. Bernadine Kennedy Kent of Columbus. Ohio state Rep. Bernadine Kennedy Kent introduces Eric Trump at Columbus campaign […]Read More

AMAZING! Minnesota Democrat Leaders Try to Keep Massive Crowd of

Minnesota Democrat leaders would NOT ALLOW President Trump to hold a rally with all of his supporters. Thousands signed up to attend the rally on Friday in Rochester but Democrat state leaders only allowed 250 people to attend… So a crowd of THOUSANDS turned out anyway outside the event! President Trump walked out to thank […]Read More

Democrats Have Growing Fear That Minnesota Could Flip To Red

Trump only lost Minnesota by a small margin in 2016 and he is working extremely hard to win the state this year. His efforts seem to be paying off, because Democrats are starting to sweat over what could happen there on Tuesday. If Trump pulls this off, it would cause a political earthquake. Breitbart News […]Read More

Bernie Endorses Pro-Antifa Portland Mayoral Candidate Who Voted for Stalin,

Comrade Sanders has inserted himself into Portland’s elections, formally endorsing Sarah “I am antifa” Iannarone for Mayor and City Council-person-of-nondescript-gender Chloe Eudaly. KOIN6 reports: Bernie Sanders is the latest figure endorsing Portland mayoral candidate Sarah Iannarone. Sanders’ endorsement late Thursday endorsement came the same day Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty announced her backing of […]Read More

Joe Biden ‘Jogs’ Away From Podium as Rain Pours Down

Joe Biden traveled to Florida on Thursday for two separate drive-in rallies. Biden held his second rally of the day in Tampa. According to reporters, about 285 cars were parked in the lot at Biden’s rally. In contrast, an estimated 15,000 supporters attended President Trump’s rally in Tampa, a blue area on Florida’s west coast. […]Read More

Biden Campaign Spox Does Not Deny Joe Biden Met with

Joe Biden’s campaign spokesman Jamal Brown on Thursday did not deny that Joe Biden met with Hunter’s associate-turned-whistleblower Tony Bobulinski. Tony Bobulinski is the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family. Bobulinski recently came forward and stated he met with Joe Biden at […]Read More

CNN Refuses To Air Anti-Biden Ad – Even Though It’s

For years now, CNN has made it clear that they are an anti-Trump network. All day long, they run with the most Trump-critical programming they can create. They have pushed every imaginable anti-Trump story from the ‘fine people’ hoax to the Russia hoax. Now CNN has decided it no longer likes negative programming, even if […]Read More