• September 20, 2024


Unhinged Woman Throws Coffee on Two Men for Not Wearing

An unhinged lunatic approached two men, sitting outside in Manhattan Beach, California. The woman then lectured the men for not wearing masks. She didn’t like their responses so she threw hot coffee on them. Obviously, she’s a very tolerant and loving person. She didn’t expect the men to get up and beat her boyfriend bloody. […]Read More

Far-Left DC Mayor Exempts Democrat Lawmakers Returning From John Lewis’s

Muriel Bowser It’s not about a virus. Far left DC Mayor Muriel Bowser exempted Democrat lawmakers returning from John Lewis’s funeral from the city’s very strict 14-day quarantine order. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and House Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) and others attended […]Read More

DISGUSTING: Marco Rubio Gets on Call with President Trump and

President Trump has been speaking out against mail-in voting for weeks now. Democrats know it is easier to cheat and steal votes when a state moves to mail-in voting. It’s the reason Nevada Democrats on Saturday passed mail-in voting and ballot harvesting in their special session just 97 days before the national election. They know […]Read More

“I’m Not Going to Be Silenced!” – Houston Doctor Stella

Dr. Stella Immanuel M.D. from Houston is a courageous woman in an insane world. Earlier this week Dr. Immanuel joined several other front line doctors in Washington DC at the “White Coat Summit” to announce the amazing success they were having treating coronavirus patients on the front line using hydroxychloroquine. Dr. Stella Immanuel bravely came out […]Read More

VIDEO: Ami Horowitz Goes To Portland; Rioters Promote Violence, Say

  News personality Ami Horowitz went into one of the nightly protests in Portland to show the world what the mainstream won’t show. Far from “peaceful”, the protesters openly admit on camera that chaos is a “useful tool” to “destabilize society” and “tear down the system”, while others openly praise the violence by saying that […]Read More

FINALLY! Top Dr. Ramin Oskoui on Crazy Dr. Fauci: “I’m

Laura Ingraham had on two medical experts tonight to discuss NIAID Chief Dr. Anthony Fauci’s testimony today in front of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus. During his testimony Dr. Fauci AGAIN downplayed another successful hydroxychloroquine coronavirus study. As we reported earlier today — There have been over 70 global studies examining the effectiveness […]Read More