• September 19, 2024


Ignored by National Media: 29-Year-Old Black Man Guns Down Married

For some reason the national mainstream media did not play up the color of the shooter in this horrific double murder. Weird, huh? It’s almost like the national mainstream media purposely lies to the American public? Strange. 29-year-old Sheldon Francis gunned down a married couple in their 80s on Friday in the Delaware Veterans Memorial […]Read More

Flynn Attorney Sidney Powell Says Conspiracy to Entrap General Flynn

General Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell on Sunday said Barack Obama was involved in the conspiracy to entrap Flynn. Powell told “Sunday Morning Futures” host Maria Bartiromo that former DNI James Clapper briefed Barack Obama on the transcripts of the December 2016 Flynn-Kislyak phone calls. The Justice Department dropped its case against General Mike Flynn Thursday […]Read More

President Trump Holds Meeting With Joint Chiefs of Staff and

President held a meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and his national security team at the White House Saturday evening. Neither the subject of the meeting, which was originally set for Camp David, nor the reason for the change of location was disclosed. “President Trump said yesterday he would travel to Camp David this […]Read More

Dr. Fauci Is Wrong Again: Coronavirus Cases Drop to New

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state. “If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise […]Read More

Elon Musk Threatens to Move Tesla Plant to Texas or

Elon Musk says he will move his Tesla plant to Texas or Nevada after the county health official closed his plant due to coronavirus. Musk does not like the rulings by the “unelected and ignorant Interim Health Officer” from Almeda County. Tesla is filing a lawsuit against Alameda County immediately. The unelected & ignorant “Interim […]Read More

Florida Reopening Barbershops And Salons On Monday

Weeks after a Texas women and dozens of other salon owners and barbers across the nation were arrested or fined for defying lockdown orders, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has announced that he will begin the reopening of salons and barbershops in the Sunshine State on Monday. Florida salons and barbershops can reopen Monday Luther, who […]Read More

EPIC! Matt Gaetz Tosses Trey Gowdy Under the Bus with

Rep. Matt Gaetz, attorney-author Alan Dershowitz and investigative journalist John Solomon joined Sean Hannity Friday night to discuss the latest House Intelligence Committee document release that proves the Obama administration had nothing on Trump and Russia. It was all a hoax and they pushed forward with their investigations anyway. During the segment Rep. Gaetz tossed […]Read More