• October 6, 2024

Editor @Investigator_50

COVID-19 Vaccine Facts the Media Ignores

By Roger Anghis. For the last two years, all we’ve heard was how dangerous COVID-19 is. I had it in October of last year. Every cold I ever had was worse than my bout with COVID-19. That was not the case with a friend who ended up in the hospital twice because of it. I also […]Read More

Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

December 7, 2021 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: |  Print This Article Support Your Website Where Have All the Flowers Gone? Paul Craig Roberts Do you remember this: Where are the flowers today? They are in the gutter along with every thing else. San Francisco, the city I knew, is destroyed.   In place of flowers, there is filth.  The streets are […]Read More

CAIR’s Antisemitism Ignored or Embraced by Elected Officials

by Steven Emerson IPT News December 9, 2021 This article originally was published by the Algemeiner. This is Part 2 of a two-part series excerpted from a book being published next year on CAIR’s long antisemitic track record by the Investigative Project on Terrorism. To read the previous installment, click here. Although the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) […]Read More

We went to the US Dept of Education

I wanted you to hear this from me.   Parents Defending Education is challenging racially-segregated “affinity groups” in schools — and we’ve filed a federal civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Education to do it, in addition to our ongoing litigation against Wellesley Public School’s racially exclusive affinity groups.   On December 2, I sent […]Read More

Remember “two weeks to flatten the curve”?

Friends, As a Doctor, I spend a lot of time thinking about what went wrong with COVID. How did we so fundamentally mishandle COVID? I’ve realized that the issue points to our nation’s core issues: our system is broken, and Washington isn’t equipped to find the real solutions. Remember the phrase “two weeks to flatten the […]Read More

BOMBSHELL info Ghislaine Maxwell’s Deep State Sisters

AmazingPolly Published December 7, 2021   Rumble — MIND BLOWING info about Maxwell sisters’ software, who their husbands are, and what organizations they belong to. BOOMS everywhere! (edited re-upload from Aug 2019). . To support my work, please click here: https://amazingpolly.net/contact-support.php . THANK YOU very much to all who have contributed, you are allowing me to continue this ongoing project! […]Read More